




1.老情人 ... 04 世界之巅( Top Of The World ) 05 老情人( Old Lover ) 06 烟雾迷蒙你的双眼( Smoke Gets In Your Eyes ) ...

2.旧情人 05. 一生痴恋( Throughout One's Life's Stupid Love) 06. 旧情人( Old Lover) 07. 没有你没有我( Without You, Without Me) ...

3.我曾经的爱人 Warm sun on my back 暖暖的阳光照在我的背上 Old lover,you miss me 我曾经的爱人,你还在想念我 ...

4.旧爱(It Is Not So, My Love)和〈旧爱〉(Old Lover)。


1.She was now absolutely alarmed and really grateful for her old lover's protection.现在她对这位旧情人的保护既充满了戒备,也由衷地感激。

2.Communicating with your friends, sending short messages to your friends you don't always communicate , never go back to see your old lover.经常跟死党交流,偶尔给不常联系的朋友发短信问候,绝不回头找以前的恋人。+。

3.Man unforgettable old lover, inevitable is him in the past years, ever injury she, that of mistake, he can't make up.供以人员令人难忘的老恋人,不可避免在过去几年是他,伤害她,差错,他不可能组成。

4.I can't. And so true. how does one explain the indescribable pull To see an old lover, to feel that jolt of electricity?我不知道。是嘛,那要怎么解释想见旧情人,想感受那股,颤悚的难以言喻的冲动呢?。

5.Moreover, many old players through a return to the "journey of nostalgia Edition" found that an old friend, the old lover.而且,很多老玩家通过回归《征途怀旧版》找到了当年的老朋友、旧情人。

6.Take with you: paper, mirror, wallet(some money in), key. Never take: ring the old lover sent, photos, memories.随身携带:面纸,镜子,钱包(里面有钱),钥匙。不随身携带:旧情人送的戒指,照片,回忆。+。

7.When she returned, she confessed she'd gone there to be with an old lover in order to test if she really loved Vadim.当她回来时,她承认,她去那儿是和一位老情人相会,目的是想测试自己是否真的爱上了瓦迪姆。

8.Never expecting to come across her old lover in the street after many years apart, she was stunned as wooden as a dummy.大街上突然遇见分别多年的旧情人,她像泥塑木雕似的呆住了。

9.My old lover represents a part of my past, my misspent youth, and many memories that are important to me.我以前的情人本就是我过往的一部份,他代表了我逝去的青春,以及很多对我来说重要而美好的回忆。

10.With her old lover over what you mean, I think they are so intimate.她带着你的老相好过来是什么意思,我看他们那么亲密。