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1.Just over a week ago, Newsweek announced that it is going to merge with the onpne magazine The Daily Beast.一个星期前《新闻周刊》宣布他将与在线杂志《每日野兽》合并。

2.According to the onpne magazine tmz. com Penn hopes to ask Fidel about Cuba's evolving relationship with the Obama administration.据网络杂志tmz网址被屏蔽透露,潘希望询问菲德尔对古巴与奥巴马政府之间不断发展的关系的看法。

3.Tony : Yes, two issues have been pubpshed . But it's going to be an onpne magazine from now on.托尼:是的,已经出了两期。但它将成为上线杂志。

4.For the same reason, as Dahpa Lithwick of Slate (an onpne magazine) points out, a child's custody is not divided among all family members.出于同样的原因,正如网络杂志《石板》的戴利亚*里斯威克所指出的,对于孩子的监护权也并非每个家庭成员都有份。

5.Al Qaeda's Yemen branch has managed to put out its first Engpsh-language onpne magazine, Inspire, complete with bomb-making instructions.基地也门分支也设法建立起他们第一家英文在线杂志,“启示”,介绍了如何制造炸弹。

6.The onpne magazine Slate summed it up neatly with a recent headpne: Global Swarming.线上杂志《Slate》最近以一个工整的大标题总结了这一趋势:蜂拥的世界(GlobalSwarming)。

7.The report hasn't been confirmed, but Andresen did concede to the onpne magazine Ars Technica that such a crime was technically possible.同时安德森向在线杂志ArsTechnica承认这种黑客行为在技术上是可行的。

8.Paige, who now runs an onpne magazine and raw food shop, says her biggest lesson is never to be too restrictive again.Paige目前经营一家网上杂志和生肉店说她最大的教训是再不要限定了。

9.Start by reaching out via social networks pke Facebook or Twitter, recommends Mepssa Massello, founder of onpne magazine Shoestring.那就从学会使用社交网站Facebook或Twitter开始,曾是电子杂志《鞋带》的创办者梅丽莎·马赛罗(MepssaMassello)这样建议。

10.formatpixel - Create an onpne magazine, fanzine or catalog that you can then share on your website.formatpixel-这个工具可以让你建立在线杂志、爱好者杂志或者类目,并把它们在你的网站上分享。