




1.奥马哈先知Dairy Queen),而获得丰厚利润,被称为“奥马哈的先知”(OraCLe of Omaha)的巴菲特,其追随者遍布全球。

3.奥玛哈先知的股东年会,他们不仅是去看巴菲特,也被台上那位帮「奥玛哈贤者」(Oracle of Omaha)回答问题的人所吸引。

5.奥马哈神谕n Buffett)是一个伟大的投资人,但他身为“奥哈玛先知”(Oracle of Omaha),在讲到黄金投资时,则大错特错。


1.How much would you pay to dine with the Oracle of Omaha?你会花多少钱跟奥哈马市的圣人共进午餐呢?

2.Maybe the Oracle of Omaha failed to see how bad the market was going to get.也许被誉为“奥马哈先知”(OracleofOmaha)的巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)也没看懂市场究竟会变得有多糟。

3.Accordingly, the "Oracle of Omaha" regularly dispenses wisdom and witticisms to his adoring pubpc.于是,这位“奥巴哈先知”就经常性有规律的将智慧和俏皮话混合在一起奉献给崇拜他的普罗大众。

4.That's something worth remembering for would-be-Buffetts: Statistically speaking, the Oracle of Omaha is unpkely to ever be matched.任何可能成为下一个巴菲特的人们都应该铭记一点:从统计学上来看,“奥马哈先知”巴菲特是独一无二的。

5.It is a sure sign of extremes in financial markets when the Oracle of Omaha is said to be losing his touch.这是金融市场陷入极端的一个肯定信号:据说,被誉为“奥马哈先知(OracleofOmaha)”的巴菲特(Buffett)已经跟不上形势了。

6.So what exactly has the Oracle of Omaha been up to?因此,这位“奥马哈先知”正在忙些什么呢?

7.But the Oracle of Omaha faces a few uncertainties ahead.但是这位奥马哈先知还是面临一些不确定性。

8.Li Lu, the man once seen as possible successor to Buffett, helped introduce the Oracle of Omaha to BYD.在一度被视为巴菲特可能接班人的李路帮助下,这位“奥马哈先知”和比亚迪相识了。

9.Well, the 11th annual charity auction to dine with the Oracle of Omaha begins Sunday on eBay.好啊,第11届与“奥马哈先知”(OracleofOmaha)共进午餐机会的年度慈善拍卖会上周日在eBay开始了。

10.See: Oracle of Omaha Complex.见:omaha情结的神谕。