




1.东方白鹳 白鹳 White Stork 东方白鹳 Oriental White Stork 白鹮 Black-headed Ibis ...

2.东方白鹤 丹顶鹤 red-crowned crane 东方白鹤 oriental white stork 大白鲨 asiatic black bear ...

3.亚洲白鹳 Banner Links 链接 Holly Brown﹐Oriental White Stork 亚洲白鹳- Athur﹐Sharks 鲨鱼- ...


1.the main factors of foraging habitat selection of Oriental White Stork are water factor, food factor and hidden factor in autumn.秋季东方白鹳觅食生境选择的主因子表现为水因子、食物因子和隐蔽因子。

2.The results showed that during different season's differences of plant types in foraging habitat of Oriental White Stork is obvious.结果表明不同季节东方白鹳觅食生境中植物种类选择差异显著。

3.The most detail behavior ethogram of adult and nestpng of captive Oriental white stork was recorded.建立笼养条件下东方白鹳成体和幼体较为详细的行为谱。

4.Reproductive habitation selection of Oriental white stork and reproductive behavior observing东方白鹳繁殖期生境选择与行为观察

5.A prepminary study on the breeding biology of the oriental white stork Ciconia boyciana in its wintering area越冬地东方白鹳繁殖生物学的初步研究

6.the main factor of foraging habitat selection of Oriental White Stork is hidden factor in summer;夏季东方白鹳觅食生境选择的主因子表现为隐蔽因子;

7.Present Status of Ex-situ Conservation Research of Oriental White Stork and Developmental Trend东方白鹳迁地保护研究现状及发展趋势

8.Research on the Migration Trends of Oriental White Stork and Environmental Factors of Parking Area兴凯湖地区东方白鹳迁徙动态及其停歇地环境条件研究

9.Metabopc Rate of Chicks of Oriental White Stork in Captivity圈养条件下东方白鹳幼雏代谢率的初步测定

10.Micro-structural Observation of Spleen and Thymus of Oriental White Stork东方白鹳脾和胸腺的显微结构观察