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na.1.The variant of Orrin

1.欧林 ... 玉苒厦 URANTIA BOOK 欧林书: 喜悦之道 Orin:Living With Joy 修练当下的力量 Practicing the Power of Now ...

5.欧林系列ugh Awareness)」的网页推荐,这是来自欧林系列(Orin)之书,是很实用的一本工具书。

6.欧林大师欧林大师(Orin)Oct 09 Sun 2011 06:40 朵琳.芙秋博士 (Doreen Virtue, Ph.D) Oct 09 Sun 2011 06:35 露易丝.贺(Louise L. Ha…

7.欧林文集欧林文集orin)8801网址被屏蔽成功网 请进入潜能开发教材中心,立刻获取成功密钥!


1.Orin broadcasts this energy throughout all of his journeys, whether or not he calls it out.欧林传播这能量贯穿他旅途的所有,无论他是否呼唤它出来。

2.This book, Living with Joy, was "given" to me by a source of wisdom I call Orin while I was in a state of peace and expanded awareness.这本《喜悦之道》是当我在宁静和知觉扩展的状态下,由一位我称之为欧林的智慧之源「送」给我的。

3.Orin and I encourage you to read this book for the wisdom it contains, not because of any claims made about its source.欧林和我鼓励你看这本书,是因为它包涵的智慧,而非对其来源的任何声明。

4.Orin must join forces to reveal the deadly conspiracy at the heart of the precinct.危机四伏,只有一线生机,拉垂尔和奥瑞需齐心协力揭露深藏于该辖区核心的致命阴谋。

5.Orin: You may be trying to find or create perfect love in your pfe.你可能正在尝试去寻找或创造你生命中完美的爱。

6.Orin also asked that I pnk with the Pole star of direction to guide my pfe and others home, to the Divine Self.欧林也请我与指挥的北极星连接,来指导我的生命与其他人回家,回到神性自我。

7.Orin: You are the healers, teachers, and leaders of this new age.欧林:你是这个新世纪的治疗师、老师及领导人。

8.Orin Boyd, Latrell Walker is just another gangster getting rich off the drug trade.在奥瑞·鲍埃德眼里,拉垂尔·沃克只是又一个靠毒品买卖发家的流氓。

9.And he holds the key to the corruption Orin sees all around him.他是破解奥瑞目睹的周遭腐败的关键。

10.Virginia excuse herself for having offended Orin by saying the wrong word.维吉尼亚由于说错了话面请求奥林的原谅。