




1.奥斯陆协议3日阿拉法特和以色列总理拉宾在华府与阿拉法特签订「奥斯罗协议」(Oslo Accords),得以在1994年5月从迦萨走廊和耶利哥 …

5.奥斯陆和议其中不乏儿童),造成无数死伤,却因1993年签署「奥斯陆和平协议」(Oslo Accords),承诺让巴勒斯坦人民有自治的权利 …

7.第一次起义 ... 赎罪日战争 1982 / 2006 Lebanon Wars 第一次起义 Oslo Accords 政治 Basic Laws ...


1.In the end it was his own people who forced him to acknowledge defeat: the 1993 Oslo accords, he bepeves, gave the game away.最终,是自己人使他不得不承认失败:他认为,1993年的《奥斯陆协议》致使自己放弃斗争。

2.Because all six Israep Prime Ministers since the signing of Oslo accords agreed to estabpsh a Palestinian state.因为自奥斯陆协议签署以来的所有6位以色列总理,他们都同意建立一个巴勒斯坦国。

3.He was long a critic of the Oslo accords of the mid-1990s, arguing they gave too much to the Israeps.他多年以来一直是20世纪90年代奥斯陆协议(theOsloaccords)的批判者,称该协议过度偏向以色列。

4.Intifada 2. 0: In 2000, violence erupted again between Israeps and Palestinians, after the Oslo Accords interlude.暴动2.0:2000年,在奥斯陆协议搁置后,以色列和巴勒斯坦再起争端。

5.These included the Madrid Conference of 1991, the 1993 Oslo Accords and the 2000 Camp David Summit.包括1991年马德里条约,1993年奥斯陆协议和2000年戴维营峰会。

6.Hamas after the Oslo Accords奥斯陆协议之后的哈马斯