




1.我们的小镇 The Philadelphia Story 费城故事 Our Town 我们的小镇 The Long Voyage Home 天涯路 ...

2.我们的社区 卑劣的街头 / A Dirty Carnival 我们的社区 / Our Town 秘密 / 拯救我的妻子 / Secret ...

3.我们的城市这个城市里,士兵们穿着正式的白色水兵服,就像电影《我们的城市》(Our Town)中演绎的一样。

4.小镇风光 ... Unit 4 Where is it? 它在哪儿? Unit 5 Our town 我们的城镇 Unit 6 Review 复习 ...

6.小城风光 ... 《归途路迢迢》( The Long Voyage Home) 《小城风光》( Our Town) 《费城故事》( The Philadelp…

7.家乡小镇 ... 怀尔德,桑顿( Thornton Wilder,1897—1975) 《家乡小镇》( Our Town,1938) 黄哲伦( David Henry Hwa…


1.Anyways, we decided to change the future because there was an evil plot against the children of our town.梅金说,“我们想改变未来,那里有个邪恶的阴谋,威胁着我们那里所有的孩子。”

2.Up to the time of his death, Richard Colson was one of the notable figures in our town.理查德.科尔森直到去世时一直是我们镇上最有名的人物之一。

3.She must have had an uncomfortable time in our town, because naturally the women despised her and said unkind things about her.在我们镇上她的日子想必不好过,因为女士们都鄙视她,常常说些关于她的难听的话。

4.John is a green thumb , you can figure it out from his most beautiful garden in our town .约翰是个园艺方面的能工巧匠,他的花园是我们镇上是最漂亮的。

5.It was more than thirty kilometers from our town to the county and the road was paved with sandstone .从小镇到县城有三十多里的砂石路,非常难走。

6.A favorite place in our town is a wooded bridge over a pttle rocky waterfall.我们镇上有一条俯临小瀑布的木桥,是幽期密约的胜地。

7.My father was a self-taught mandopn player. He was one of the best string instrument players in our town.我父亲是一个自学成才的曼陀林琴手,他是我们镇最优秀的弦乐演奏者之一。

8.'You left our town so suddenly last summer, ' she said. 'Does Mr. Bingley plan to return? '她说,“妳去年突然的离开我们这个镇,彬格来先生有打算要回来吗?”

9.Few people know about this new plan to increase the size of our town.没有几个人知道这个打算将我们的城镇扩大的计划。

10.His radio is always tuned to the only rock station in our town.他的收音机总是转到镇上唯一的摇滚音乐电台。