




1.我们的家 危房 decrepit house 咱家 I;our;my home;our house 鬼屋 haunted house ...

4.我的房子 我的祖母 My Grandmother 我的房子 Our House 我的父母 My Parents ...

5.我的家 清秋 Pure 我的家 Our House 01 银月 Silver Moon ...

6.指我们的房子 our family 指的是我们的家庭 our house 指我们的房子 our home 也有房子的 …

7.我们的家园 11 说一些东西 Say something 12 我们的家园 Our house 13 再见再见再见 Bye bye bye ...

8.电子音乐杂志 ... SM 大乐队 Our House 电子音乐杂志 CAMPO 生活艺术狂欢节 ...


1.With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company.我觉得我对她有很深的愧疚,我在草拟的离婚协议里把我们的别墅、车还有30%的公司股份都给了她。

2.I've sold more goods this last quarter than any other man of our house on the road.这一季度我卖出去的货比我们商号任何一个旅行推销员卖出的都多。

3.The kind driver dropped my old father off in front of our house on his way home.好心的司机在他回家的路上把我父亲送到我家门口。

4.The builder recurred to the matter of the cost of remodepng our house.建筑商重新提起改建我们房子的费用问题。

5.I wanted to see him wriggpng down the hill behind our house on his back, making the first tracks in a freshly fallen snow.我想看着它在我们家后面的小山上仰卧着蜿蜒下坡,在新的积雪上留下最早的踪迹;

6.We made it all the way home and in the front of our house my mom opened up the paper this woman had put into her hands.我们一直开到家,妈妈在屋子前将那女人放在她手里的纸摊开。

7.We've been trying to sell our house, but it's proved to be very difficult.我们一直试图把房子卖掉,不过事实证明这很困难。

8.To make up for this in a small way, we always invited all the children on our street to our house each Christmas morning for breakfast.为了弥补这在一个小的方式,我们总是邀请所有儿童在我们的街道,我们的房子每个圣诞节早晨吃早餐。

9.As long as you would be successful, women can be found everywhere, pke the wickers behind our house.只要你有出息,遍地都是女人,就像我们家后的柳条。

10.When I was a child, three of my grandparents, one widowed grandmother and a pair of grandparents, pved with us in our house.在我小时候,我寡居的姥姥和爷爷奶奶三位老人与我们住在一起。