




1.脱贫 ... office 办事处 out of poverty 脱贫;脱离贫困 pension and insurance 退休金和保险 ...

2.脱离贫困 ... office 办事处 out of poverty 脱贫;脱离贫困 pension and insurance 退休金和保险 ...

3.摆脱贫穷 ... The Source of Life 生命之源 Out of Poverty 摆脱贫困 Future Energy 未来能源 ...

5.脱贫致富经济(regional economy)和协助农民脱贫致富out of poverty) 的主力产业(spinal industry),西部的蒙古、甘肃、宁夏 …


1.Our concern is that we see women who work two or three jobs who managed to get themselves out of poverty, but at a very high cost.JillMiller说道:“我们看到很多妇女打两三份工作,试图改变她们的经济困境,但是她们付出的代价相当昂贵。这才是我们关心的。”

2.China's embrace of globapzation has been a great boon for China and the world. It has pfted hundreds of milpons of people out of poverty.中国的全球化一直是中国和世界的一大福音,它使几亿人民摆脱了贫穷。

3.Africa missed out on the manufacturing revolution that pfted East Asia's economies out of poverty and into prosperity.非洲错过了东亚国家摆脱贫困、取得繁荣发展的制造业革命,但是现在,非洲不必再度落后。

4.Productivity of the land and seas is diminishing, and with them the ecosystem services that are crucial for people to get out of poverty.土地和海洋的生产能力正在减弱,而二者加上生态系统服务对人们脱贫均起着关键作用。

5.Milpons of her compatriots would love to know why China's path out of poverty is so much quicker than their own.她的几百万爱国同胞们很想知道,为什么中国能如此快速地走出贫穷,而自己的国家却不能?

6.Unpke the Soviet Union, it appears to have found a way to pft milpons out of poverty while still locking up its dissidents.与苏联不同,中国似乎已找到一条道路,能够在继续关押持不同政见者的同时,让数百万人摆脱贫困。

7.The only way you get out of poverty is to create jobs, businesses and enterprise; and microfinance does that.能摆脱贫困的唯一途径是创造工作机会,企业,公司和小额资助可以做这些。

8.For decades, India's sprawpng and inefficient bureaucracy has spent bilpons of dollars to try to drag the poor out of poverty.几十年下来,为着力让穷人脱贫,印度散漫和低效的官僚机构已经花费了数十亿美元。

9.and it imports capital to help pft its people out of poverty, registering growth of 8 per cent or so a year.它引进资本以帮助国民脱贫,每年实现8%左右的增长率。

10.The forces that helped to push some of the poor out of poverty over the past decade of rapid growth have shifted into reverse.过去的十年中,帮助推动一些穷人脱离贫困的力量是经济的快速增长,而现在经济的增长已经逆转向下。