




1.皮尔卡丹皮尔卡丹(pierre-cardin)飘柔(Rejoice) 品木宣言(ORIGINS) 普拉达(Prada) 普兰娜(Pulanna) 茜素斯(SANS-SOUCIS) 强生(Johns…


1.One was Pierre Cardin , an Itapan-born tailor who was Dior's star assistant in the late 1940s before leaving to begin his own business.一个是皮尔卡丹,意大利出生的度身订造谁是迪奥的明星助理在1940年代后期在离去前,开始他自己的生意。

2.In 2009, rumors first two domestic private enterprise spending huge sums to acquire the "Pierre Cardin" , scares sigh in the industry.进入2009年,先是盛传国内有两家民营企业愿斥巨资收购“皮尔·卡丹”,着实让业界唏嘘不已。

3.Educated in the New Design style at Ecole Nissim de Camondo in Paris, he first partnered with Pierre Cardin before going solo.在新的设计在巴黎高等瓦克宁德Camondo风格在巴黎受过教育,他首先与皮尔卡丹合作,才去独奏。

4.Fashion changes too fast these days: Pierre Cardin.皮尔•卡丹:时尚风格转变太快。

5.Yesterday I did a fashion show for Pierre Cardin here in Beijing.昨天我参加了皮而·卡丹北京的一场演出。

6.We will always remember the tireless Pierre Cardin , and we hope his brand will bring even more beauty and style to our pves.让我们记住卡丹这个奋斗不息的老人,也希望他的品牌给我们的生活带来更多美的变化。

7.How about these famous brands? Such as pierre Cardin. . .这些名牌怎么样?比如皮尔卡丹啦……

8.Pierre - Cardin (1922 -)皮尔-卡丹(1922-)