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英文单词:项目管理承包(Project Management Contract);物料控制;生管



1.项目管理承包(Project Management Contract)包人直接与各施工和货物供应承包人签订承包合同,这是项目管理承包PMC)与项目管理服务(PM)的主要区别,其中前 …

2.物料控制 制造业库存控制方法与管理... BCD-110112A 生管品保工作... 生管物控 …

4.物控(Process Material Control)物控pmc):1人,1、有过橱柜、家具行业2年以上PMC经验;2、责任心强、善于沟通;3、为人正直,熟悉数据化管理!计 …

5.计划员同问计划员PMC)和车间调度,那个岗位好? 提问者采纳 2012-04-23 19:51 scy465494393 | 分类:生活 本人在一家民企做 …

6.生产物料控制(Production Material Control)绿源拥有行业内一流的生产物料控制PMC)体系,实时、高效、科学的生产物料和仓储物流管理是实现准时化生产、满足市 …

7.生产计划员生产计划员pmc) 面议 | 2-3年 东莞市金澜电工材料有限公司 05-02 pmc主管 计划员 面议 | 不限 东莞市拓亮五金制品有限公 …


1.The show's producer, the Population Media Center (PMC) in Vermont, has been a pioneer of programmes with the goal of fostering development.该广播剧的制作方式佛蒙特州的人口传媒中心(PMC)是通过电视广播节目来促进发展方面的先锋。

2.For PMC planner, the main contact window is only for internet department and almost no more chance to improve my English to be higher step.对于PMC计划员,它的主要联系窗口是公司内部部门。所有我感觉对我来说的英语的提高没有多大的空间了。

3.Planning and material controlling (PMC) department is the "heart" of manufacturing enterprises.生产计划和物料控制部门是制造企业的“心脏”。

4.Issue to material PMC, code programmer and purchaser if it concerns material complement or reservation.若关系到补料、订料时,须发物料PMC、编码员、采购员。

5.At this time the nucleus moved aside from center of the PMC, but the rest of the cell was still fulfilled with MN filaments.此时细胞核偏向一边,但细胞的其余部位仍充满了胞质微梁骨架。

6.Once the PMC got convinced that putting a solver tackling NP-completeness in eclipse was the right way to go, we were set.一旦PMC确信放置一个求解程序来处理eclipse的NP完整性问题是正确的方向,我们就开始动手了。

7.Successful graduates are offered Account Executive positions, selling national advertising time on behalf of PMC represented stations.合格者将获得客户经理的职位,代表PMC的电视台销售全国广告时间。

8.There exists no clearly defined relationship between a state and the PMC that it hires.存在之间没有一个国家和PMC聘用关系,明确界定。

9.Pollen mother cells(PMC)meiosis and relevant parameters of diploid and autotetraploid broccoli were studied comparatively.观察二、四倍体青花菜花粉母细胞减数分裂过程并对分裂各时期参数进行统计分析。

10.The PMC model is a classical diagnostic model, which has two famous diagnosis strategies: precise strategy and pessimistic strategy.PMC模型是并行计算系统中的一种经典的诊断模型,在该模型下有两个著名的诊断策略:精确策略和悲观策略。