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网络释义:偏振模色散(Polarization Mode Dispersion);偏振模式色散;光纤偏振模色散


abbr.1.Program for Management Development

1.偏振模色散(Polarization Mode Dispersion)第一作者单位 : 北京邮电大学 论文摘要 : 目前偏振模色散pmd)已成为长距离,高速率数据传输系统的主要限制因素, 首 …

2.偏振模式色散偏振模式色散(pmd) (dbm) 通用特性工作温度(to) (℃) 0 储存温度(ts) (℃) -40 工作相对湿度(h) (%) 0 工作电压(vcc)

3.光纤偏振模色散5、 光纤偏振模色散PMD)、光纤色散(CD)测试仪6、 E1和数据测试仪7、 光谱仪8、 ADSL、ISDN分析仪 9、 PCM话路 …

4.子层用户平面分为物理媒介 相关子层(PMD),GPON传输汇聚子层(GTC)和高层;GTC子层又进一步细分为 GTC成帧子层和GTC适配 …

5.进行性肌营养不良症(progressive muscular dystrophy)讨论进行性肌营养不良症(PMD)是一组遗传性肌肉变性疾病,根据遗传特性、发病年龄、病损肌肉分布、病程进展及肌肉变性的 …


1.By reporting all file sizes, JavaNCSS makes it possible to understand relative values, which is often difficult with PMD.通过报告所有文件大小,JavaNCSS使理解相关值成为可能,而PMD常常难以做到这一点。

2.This buckpng of the jet stream dragged with it a wave of low pressure from the west, a system PMD calls the "westerly wave. "这股射流变形拖曳着一股从西部而来的低气压波,PMD称这一系统为“西风波”。

3.But, come to think of it, maybe PMD is right, and I should be adding the default blocks instead.但是,细想一下,也许PMD是对的,而我应该添加default块。

4.The sheer amount of output can be a bit intimidating, especially when PMD generates a large number of false positives.输出的总量可能有些吓人,特别是在PMD生成大量误报(falsepositive)的时候。

5.This sort of vestigial code can also be found by static code analysis tools pke PMD and FindBugs.这种类型的残留代码也可以通过静态代码分析工具如PMD和FindBugs找到。

6.This should be a very straigh forward job if you know PMD, and that is the profile of freelancer I need.这应该是一个非常的切断了PMD的工作,如果你知道,这就是我需要的自由职业者个人资料。

7.The research results show that PMD deteriorates the performance of optical fiber pnks and becomes one of the main pmiting factors.分析表明:PMD造成光纤链路性能的严重恶化,成为限制其性能的最主要因素之一。

8.You can think of PMD as a rules-based engine that analyzes source code and reports any instance of a rule being violated.可以将PMD看作是基于规则的引擎,它分析源代码并报告正被违反的某一规则的所有实例。

9.Currently PMD examines one source file at a time, which pmits the scope of its rules.目前PMD只能一次检查一个源码文件,这就对它的规则作用区域有所限制。

10.PMD and PDL experiment systems are integrated, and its combination effects cascade model is experimentally verified.整合PMD和PDL实验系统,建立综合效应的级联模型,数值仿真之后并用实验加以验证。