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网络释义:垂直磁记录(perpendicular magnetic recording);风湿性多肌痛;初中评估考试



1.垂直磁记录(perpendicular magnetic recording)PMR)去年12月18日放榜,两人恭贺所有成功考获初中评估考试PMR)文凭的学生,特别是共有3万474人考获全科A;并 …

4.专用行动无线电(private mobile radio)

5.核磁共振谱原子核磁共振谱PMR)是研究有机化合物结构的重要方法之一。在所研究的化合物分子中,所处位置完全相同的氢原子(等 …


1.IBM Technical Support might also direct you to a fix, if one is available, while working on a PMR that you opened.在使用打开的PMR时,如果有可用的修复程序,则IBM技术支持还可能会指导您使用它。

2.We were also able to open PMRs for any bugs we uncovered during the test.我们还能够打开PMR,报告在测试期间发现的bug。

3.These countries are taking a lead in building the capacity and foundation for a global carbon market with the support of the PMR.这些国家正在《市场准备伙伴计划》的支持下率先为全球碳市场建立能力和基础。

4.The user can select additional files to be uploaded to the PMR, as shown in Figure 24.用户可以为PMR选择将要上传的附加文件,如图24所示。

5.Interestingly, the output file from the last data collection run will be shown as an attachment to the PMR.有意思的是,最后一次数据收集所产生的输出文件将作为PMR的附件显示。

6.This means that you can run the data collection, and then immediately open a PMR and append the output file to it.这意味着,可以运行数据收集然后直接打开PMR,即可将输出文件附加到此PMR。

7.Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) involves tensing up a group of muscles until they're tightly contracted, then releasing them.连续的肌肉放松包括拉紧一组肌肉是他们处于收缩状态,然后放松。

8.If the user selects to send the files to IBM, they are prompted for information associated with the PMR, as shown in Figure 26.如果用户选择发送文件到IBM,则他们将收到与PMR相关联的信息提示,如图26所示。

9.The resulting screen will show all the information entered at submission time, plus a history of updates to the PMR.所得到的屏幕将显示在提交时输入的所有信息,并提供PMR更新历史。

10.After 6 seconds for the last operation, the PMR enters to the power saving mode automatically.在最初操纵的6秒当前,(PMR进入到省电形式主动。