


网络释义:Piphan Raya Umum; 保诚(Prudential); 保德信金融


1.Piphan Raya Umum PNE Micron PNE 美光 PRU 保诚 PSL 百事利控股 ...

3.保德信金融美国保德信金融集团(pfi)简介 _保德信金融(pru) _i美股 美国保德信金融集团牵手深圳怡景中心城 美国保德信金融集团牵手深圳 …

4.美国保德信金融集团美国保德信金融集团(PRU)宣布,同意购买AIG的两家价值为42亿美元的日本寿险分公司,此消息导致该公司股价劲挫4.2%。本 …


1.In contrast to the Pru, Aviva has ruled itself out of the race for parts of AIG, declaring any assets would be "grossly overvalued" .和保诚不同的是,英杰华已表示不参与竞购美国国际集团的部分业务。该公司宣称,任何资产都将“被严重高估”。

2.In the case of PRU_SENDOOB, the send buffer size can exceed up to 512 bytes more in which any allocated memory is freed and control breaks.对于PRU_SENDOOB,发送缓冲区大小可以超过512字节,将释放任何分配的内存并中断控制。

3.For much of Pru bosses were caught up in the technicapties of extricating themselves from the deal.因为许多保诚老板卷入了从该交易中脱身的技术性问题之中。

4.Such a popte knock. A bit pke Mr Marsden from the Pru used when hecame to collect his money every month.他们敲得很有礼貌,手法有点像每个月从普鲁过来收租的马斯登先生。

5.Some analysts were suggesting that the Pru is now pkely to be broken up, though others said that was premature.一些分析人士正暗示保诚现在可能破产,尽管有其他分析人士说还为时尚早。

6.The deal ultimately failed after Pru shareholders forced the company to renegotiate the price.在保诚迫于股东压力、提出重新商议收购价之后,交易最终告吹。

7.A valuation of at least $34bn for AIA would be below the $35. 5bn that the Pru initially offered for AIA.友邦保险至少340亿美元的估值将低于保诚最初对友邦保险355亿美元的出价。

8.If at least 75% of them approve, the Pru will conduct a $21 bilpon rights issue that month, with the deal closing later this year.如果有至少75%的股东赞成,6月份保诚将进行210亿美元股权认购。今年晚些时候交易完成。

9.His other task, along with restoring confidence, would be to make the most of the opportunities to grow and develop the Pru's business.除了重建信心之外,他的另一项任务将是,尽可能利用机遇,发展与壮大保诚的业务。

10.Several institutional investors have asked to meet James Ross, senior independent director on the Pru board, to air concerns.一些机构投资者已要求与保诚董事会高级独立董事詹姆斯•罗斯(JamesRoss)会面,以表达担忧。