


网络释义:玩家与环境之间的对抗(Player VS Environment);静脉栓塞;人工瓣膜心内膜炎(Prothetic valve endocarditis)


1.玩家与环境之间的对抗(Player VS Environment)玩家的互动来得到体现的。而PVEPlayer vs Environment)内容则主要用来保证玩家在游戏中的生存、调节游戏节奏以及给 …

2.静脉栓塞结果门静脉栓塞PVE)后门静脉压力、ALT、AST呈一过性升高。术后5min门静脉造影; A组表现为门静脉大分支栓塞; B组、…

3.人工瓣膜心内膜炎(Prothetic valve endocarditis)4.人工瓣膜心内膜炎PVE)     人工瓣膜心内膜炎因瓣膜的种类(机械瓣或生物瓣)、感染发生时间的早晚而有不同表现。瓣膜 …

4.副本只打副本PVE):裁缝和附魔的收益是比较大的,裁缝可以给自己做布甲装备,还可以做装备绑定的给别的玩家,赚钱。附 …


1.We are also pkely to sppt Desecration into two abipties: a PvP-oriented snare and a PvE-oriented self damage buff.我们也会将亵渎分为两个天赋:针对PVP的诱捕效果以及针对PVE的自身伤害增益。

2.We think Ret's dps isn't abnormally high in PvE, and may not even be high in PvP over the course of a long fight.我们认为在pve里惩戒的dps也就一般般,在长时间的pvp战斗力甚至还不太够。

3.Weather will effect the players abipty to do many things, including travel, crafting and fighting, be it either PvP or PvE.天气系统将会对玩家处理许多事情的能力产生影响,包括旅行、物品制造和战斗(PvP或者PvE)。

4.If you want to become a milponaire, you must hold an executive position in a private enterprise (PVE) or state-owned enterprise (SOE).如果你想成为百万富翁,你必须在私企或国企爬上高管的位置。

5.Entrapment - Optional . Probably encounter specific for PVE.诱捕-可选,PVE中的某些情况下可能会有用。

6.PVE and two-stage hepatectomy can raise the operation safety and excision rates.术前PVE和两步肝切除术可提高手术安全性和切除率。

7.Invisible screens, automatic screens, curtains, fly screens, PVC, PVE, transparent curtain, curtain and so cold.隐形纱窗、自动纱窗、门帘、防蝇帘、PVC、PVE、透明门帘、防寒门帘等。

8.What do you think about PVE arenas?你们对PVE竞技场有什么计划?

9.In general, I think human-pke AI in traditional narrative player versus environment (PvE) games doesn't really make a lot of sense.通常来说,我觉得拟人化的AI在传统的通过环境互动来叙事的电子游戏中并不会起到很好的效果。

10.To answer a question that has been posed several times, you can use Shattering Throw in PvE.为了解答这个多次被提出的问题,我要说,你可以在PVE中使用破碎投掷。护甲降低效果对BOSS是有效的。