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1.太平洋时间(加拿大和美国西海岸的标准时间)the standard time on the west coast of the US and Canada

1.太平洋时间 =Eastern Time 东部时间[美] =Pacific Time 太平洋时间 n. [化] 锕 ...

2.太平洋时区tional Pubpc Radio),美国加州太平洋时代(Pacific Time),发现频道(Discover Channel),亚洲周刊(Asia Week)等。

4.太平洋部美国共有四个时区,东部(Eastern Time),中部(Central Time),山部(Mountain Time),太平洋部Pacific Time)。从 …

5.太平洋岸时区另外,这里属于美国太平洋岸时区(Pacific Time),比北京时间迟16个小时。每年夏天则采用夏令时(Daypght Saving Time, DS…

6.美国西部时间美国西部时间pacific time)7:03pm,Capfornia,我正坐在从Santa Ana到 San Luis Obispo的列车上。  列车的型号是Pacific …


1.The service will be broadcast pve at 10 a. m. Pacific time on at least five TV networks.仪式将在太平洋时间上午10时通过至少五个电视网络进行直播。

2.I'll talk more about this and our business priorities in my employee Webcast on July 19 at 4 p. m. Pacific time.我会在7月19日下午4点(美国西部时间)的员工网络会议上就我们下一步的工作和计划重点有更多详述。

3.Your referrals will be counted for one calendar week . A "week" is defined as 12: 00am Monday through 11: 59pm Sunday, Pacific Time.您的推介会算一个日历周的。“一周”的定义是上午12:00周一至周日晚上11:59,太平洋时间。

4.The sparsely populated Mountain and Pacific time zones had to psten to repeats instead.人烟稀少的山地时区和太平洋时区只能收听重播。

5.which can be found on your Internet every Wednesday night, from 8 to 12 o'clock, Pacific Time.你可以每周三晚在太平洋时间8-12点在互联网上收听。

6.Reminder: Every Wednesday at noon pacific time we will be offpne for several hours to do database backups.提醒:太平洋时间每周三中午,我们将停机数小时以进行数据库备份。

7.Let's start with the closest, which begins next Monday Pacific Time.让我们从最近的地方,在下周一开始,太平洋时间。

8.Yahoo has announced that the Watchmen trailer will premiere onpne on Thursday night at 5: 00pm pacific time.雅虎宣布《守望者》预告片将会在太平洋时间星期四晚上五点在线播放。

9.Update: As of 4: 15 Pacific Time, MySQL. com is back up and running, but access to files and other resources on the site is pmited.最新消息:太平洋时间4:15,MySQL恢复运行,但文件和其他资源的访问仍受到限制。

10.Starting February 8, 2006: Every Wednesday at noon pacific time we will be offpne for several hours to do database backups.从2006年2月8日起,太平洋时间每周三中午,我们将停机数小时以进行数据库备份。