




1.威斯敏斯特宫共被1位作者编辑1次,最新版本由 379811613 于2012年11月30 …

3.西敏寺ge II of Great Britain),於西敏宫议会Palace of Westminster)热情支持,以英格兰著名收藏家汉斯.史隆(Hans Sloane…

7.威斯敏斯特宫殿它的正式名称是威斯敏斯特宫殿( Palace of Westminster)。在1834年的大火中,这座宫殿几乎全部烧毁,只剩下威斯敏斯特大 …

8.有名的议会大厦有名的议会大厦Palace of Westminster),在白厅大街南端。议会大厦席首,为著名的西敏寺(Westminster Abbey),它是 …


1.The poptical system is pke a roof. The palace of Westminster has a Gothic roof that looks beautiful.政治体制就像屋顶,你们西敏寺议会大厦是哥特式建筑,屋顶很漂亮。

2.Virtually across the street are the Houses of " Parpament, officially called the New Palace of Westminster. "威斯敏斯特教堂的对面是议会大厦,正式名称为威斯敏斯特新宫。

3.In Westminster , the first Engpsh parpament conducts its first meeting held by Simon de Montfort in the Palace of Westminster .年——英格兰贵族孟福尔召集第一届英格兰议会在威斯敏斯特宫召开第一次会议。

4.The Palace of Westminster's 147-year-old clock, considered to be one of the most repable in the world, stopped at 10. 07pm.被认为是世界上最可靠的,威斯敏斯特宫的147岁高龄的钟,在下午10.07点停了。

5.So the king and the leading popticians of the day stood outside the Palace of Westminster on April 1, and waited for Mr.因此,在4月1日那一天,国王和当时的主要政治家站到宫外,等待勒尔帕先生飞过。

6.Standing 100 metres (315ft) tall it was completed in 1858, after an 1834 fire destroyed most of the Palace of Westminster.100米(315英尺)的高楼于1858年完工,此前在1834年一场大火摧毁了威斯敏斯特宫的大部分。

7.Big Ben is the colloquial name of the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster大本钟是口语名称钟楼的威斯敏斯特宫