




1.巴黎地铁 ... Oyster Card( 英国地铁及巴士八达通) Paris Metro( 巴黎地下铁) London Pass 在伦敦, 有好多博物馆系唔需要俾钱 …

3.巴黎大都市图片 图片 tube_1 巴黎大都市图片 Paris Metro 伦敦管子图片 London Tube ...

4.巴黎老旧的地下铁 ... La Seine_ 塞纳河1 Paris Metro_ 巴黎老旧的地下铁 Place de Concorde_ 协和广 …

5.巴黎地铁站娜丽莎般微笑的温暖巴黎,却在地铁站里因为“触犯”了巴黎地铁站Paris Metro)“眼不可乱望”的不成文“罪状”,而被一对疯 …


1.He's sitting on the Paris metro on his way to the boulevard Saint- Germain , one of the fashion centres of Paris.他正坐于巴黎地铁途中大道圣日尔曼巴黎时装中心。

2.A confused tourist tried to drive his car down into a Paris Metro station after mistaking it for a car park, the Daily Mail reported.据英国《每日邮报》报道,一名糊涂的游客把巴黎一处地铁站误当停车场,想要开进去。

3.who caught his hands in the doors of the Paris metro.被巴黎地铁的门夹住了手。

4.The hotel is SIMPLE to find. Right at the Trocadero Paris metro stop--which gives you a spectacular view of the Eiffel Tower.酒店很好找,就在巴黎特罗卡迪罗广场地铁站--可以让你看到雄伟的埃菲尔铁塔景色。

5."I didn't have any shoes and I spent my first night sleeping outside, near a Paris metro entrance, " he recounted.他回忆说:“我没有鞋穿,到达法国后的第一个晚上露宿街头,是在巴黎一个地铁口附近过的夜。”

6.Famous examples include Hector Guimard's entrance to the Paris metro which was opened in 1900.著名的例子包括赫克托的巴黎地铁入口,这是在1900年开业。

7.The Enpghtenment of Paris Metro Against Free Riders巴黎地铁遏制逃票的启示

8.Paris Metro Pricing Scheme with Virtual Buffer带缓冲器的巴黎地铁定价策略

9.Paris Metro May Install Radar to Tackle Suicides为防止自杀事件发生巴黎地铁欲安雷达挖壕沟