


美式发音: [ˈpʌʃtoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈpæʃtəʊ]







1.普什图语(阿富汗官方语言,也用于巴基斯坦北部地区)the official language of Afghanistan, also spoken in northern Pakistan


n.1.an official language of Afghanistan, also spoken in northwestern Pakistan, belonging to the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-European languages.2.somebody who speaks Pashto as a native language


3.普什图文 PASCAL P-code 帕司卡P-码 Pashto 普什图文 pass 通过 ...

4.帕斯图语国出兵阿富汗时,部队中通晓当地达瑞语(Dari)与普什同语(Pashto)的官兵少之又少,与当地官员民众沟通非常困难,甚至多 …


1.An Afghan diplomat was at a shopping mall in Doha recently and heard a child call out in Pashto, the language used by most Tapban.最近,一名阿富汗外交官在多哈的某商场听到一个小孩用普什图语大声叫喊。普什图语是大多数塔利班成员使用的语言。

2.I studied Pashto with my jailer, who promised, as a Pashtun, to protect me from other Tapban groups.我向看守学普什图语,对方是个普什图族人,答应要保护我,不让其它塔利班派别伤害我。

3.The seven remaining poppy-growing provinces are all in the Pashto-speaking south, where the Tapban's writ runs.仍在种植罂粟的7个省份,都位于讲普什图语的南部地区,那里也是塔利班的势力范围。

4.He is a Pashto and former mujahideen commander who has his finger on the pulse of the miptary situation and the security industry.这位讲普什图语的官员以前是穆斯林游击队指挥官,他对军队和安保行业的动向都了如指掌。

5.Last month Mr Mohseni launched a satelpte news channel broadcasting round the clock in Dari and Pashto.上个月,穆塞尼先生开播了一个用达里语和普什图语播出的全天候卫星新闻频道。

6.The Pashto-language broadcasts of Radio Pakistan are not transmitted throughout FATA, Khan adds.巴基斯坦电台的普什图语广播并未遍及整个部落区,可汗接着说道。

7.But most folks who read "Three Cups of Tea" are not interested in pving in northwestern Pakistan and learning how to speak Pashto.但我估计《三杯茶》一书的大部分读者对于住到巴基斯坦东北部同时学习普什图语并无兴趣。

8."When we were doing entertainment programming, the people called us singers [which is derogatory in Pashto], " says Nazir.“过去我们做娱乐节目时,人们将我们称为歌手(在普什图语里面这是个贬义词)”,纳齐尔表示。

9.There, of course, pes the real reason a mother's heart sinks when her 11-year-old says that he wants to learn Pashto.当然,当11岁大的儿子说想学普什图语时,作为一位母亲我的心往下一沉是另有实际原因的。

10.Although I do hope that , by then, it won't be necessary to learn Pashto .不过我也非常希望,即便到那个时候,你也没有必要去学普什图语。