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网络释义:聚醚酰亚胺(Polyetherimide);爱德华王子岛(Prince Edward Island);聚乙烯亚胺(Polyethyleneimine)



1.聚醚酰亚胺(Polyetherimide) 雒 luo pei 修 xiu ...

5.无水酒精注射(percutaneous ethanol injection) 班- -Pan - -Pei 毕- -Pih ...

8.无水乙醇注射3. 无水乙醇注射PEI):适用于直径在3cm以内的小肝癌及复发小肝癌的治疗。对3cm以上不适合手术的肝癌或复发灶,也可 …


1.Pei, it is only in a more happy to dive, occasionally do a few of her plans, the right to, and then quietly walked away.在裴吧里只是一个更乐于潜水的人,偶尔做了几张她的图,发到吧里,然后静静地走开。

2.'I've heard so much about this movie and I'm curious, ' Pei Pei said. 'It should be a unique experience. '佩佩说,听到有关这部片子的讨论太多了,我很好奇,看这部电影应该会是独特的体验。

3.Since the founding of Pei Xing its "legendary" research seems to have become popular.建国以来,对裴铏及其《传奇》的研究俨然已经成为热门。

4.YANG PEI: I agree with you. Weve got to do something about pollution.杨培:我同意你的看法。我们得对污染采取措施了。

5."Language is always developing, " said a columnist, Wang Pei. "It needs to be updated to absorb foreign culture and folk wisdom. "专栏作家王培说:“语言一直在进步,它需要吸收外来文化和民间智慧来得到更新。”

6.'These have been a good Games, very good for China, ' said Pei Yuekai, the owner of a corner grocer in downtown Beijing.北京市中心一家杂货铺的老板裴月凯(音)表示,这是一场很好的奥运会,对中国来说非常好。

7.With Pei's pyramid as a backdrop Sometimes terrifying, sometimes almost human, the phantom soon proves to be both fearless and invincible.这具又恐怖又人性的幽灵经过连串的活动,被证实是无惧及不可制服的。

8.Pei Jingkang the Kingdom of the Netherlands Ambassador to China, told this reporter that the earth is to be operated a news topic.荷兰王国驻华大使裴靖康则对本报记者指出,稀土只是被操作的一个新闻话题。

9.Pei Yi Since then, I gradually came out of the shadow of the Olympic Games.裴此后易,我渐渐走出奥运会的阴影。

10.Mr Pei, however, sees corruption not just as a stage of development but as a failure of poptical reform.而裴敏欣认为,腐败不仅是一个发展阶段,也是政治改革的失败。