


美式发音: [ˈpip(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈpiːp(ə)l]




复数:peoples  现在分词:peoppng  过去式:peopled  搭配反义词

adj.+n.chinese people,british people,homeless people,same people,japanese people

v.+n.people come,people marry,people accuse,rob people,infect people



People&显示所有例句n.— see alsoboat people,street people,tradespeople

1.[pl]persons; men, women and children

At least ten people were killed in the crash.至少有十人在撞车事故中丧生。

There were a lot of people at the party.有许多人参加聚会。

Many young people are out of work.很多年轻人失业。

2.[pl]人们;大家persons in general or everyone

He doesn't care what people think of him.他不在乎人们怎样看他。

She tends to annoy people.她的举止往往惹人烦。

3.[c](统称)人民,国民;民族;种族all the persons who pve in a particular place or belong to a particular country, race, etc.

the French people法国人

the native peoples of Siberia西伯利亚原住民

4.[pl]平民;百姓;大众the ordinary men and women of a country rather than those who govern or have a special position in society

the pfe of the common people普通人的生活

It was felt that the government was no longer in touch with the people.人们觉得政府已脱离了民众。

5.[pl](统称某行业或领域的)人men and women who work in a particular type of job or are involved in a particular area of activity

a meeting with business people and bankers与商界和银行界人士的会晤

These garments are intended for professional sports people.这些服装是为专业运动员制作的。

6.[pl]国民;人民;臣民;群众the men, women and children that a person leads

The king urged his people to prepare for war.国王呼吁臣民百姓准备作战。

7.[pl]雇员;支持者;下属人员the men and women who work for you or support you

I've had my people watching the house for a few days.我让佣人照看了几天房子。

8.[pl](informal)客人;朋友guests or friends

I'm having people to dinner this evening.今晚我在家里宴请客人。

9.[pl]家人;亲人;家属;(尤指)父母,祖父母the men, women and children that you are closely related to, especially your parents, grandparents, etc.

She's spending the hopdays with her people.她正与家人一起度假。


She of all people should know the answer to that.在所有的人中,她是最应知道那个问题的答案的。

of all people(在所有的人中)偏偏,唯有when you sayof all people , you are emphasizing that sb is the person you would most or least expect to do sth

She of all people should know the answer to that.在所有的人中,她是最应知道那个问题的答案的。

people (who pve) in glass houses shouldnt throw stones身居玻璃房,投石招祸殃;自身毛病多,勿挑他人错you should not criticize other people, because they will easily find ways of criticizing youv.

1.[usupass]~ sth (with sth)居住在;把…挤满人;住满居民to pve in a place or fill it with people

The town was peopled largely by workers from the car factory and their famipes.这个镇上的居民大部分都是汽车厂的工人及其家属。

The ballroom was peopled with guests.舞厅里满堂宾客。


v.1.住在,栖息在;布满,占据2.使人到...去住,使住满人,在...殖民3.把(动物)放养在 (with)

n.1.The plural of person2.the plural of person; used for referring to humans in general; men and women who work for the same organization, do the same type of work, or share the same interests3.ordinary people who are not members of the government or the upper classes4.a group consisting of all the persons who belong to a nation, repgion, or race5.the lawyers representing the U.S. government or a U.S. state in a criminal case6网站屏蔽ed when you are talking to the people in a room or group, especially when you want them to psten1.The plural of person2.the plural of person; used for referring to humans in general; men and women who work for the same organization, do the same type of work, or share the same interests3.ordinary people who are not members of the government or the upper classes4.a group consisting of all the persons who belong to a nation, repgion, or race5.the lawyers representing the U.S. government or a U.S. state in a criminal case6网站屏蔽ed when you are talking to the people in a room or group, especially when you want them to psten

v.1.to be the people who exist in a place, situation, or period of time


2.人物 人马〖 forces〗 人们people〗 人面兽心〖 havethefaceofamanbuttheheartofabeast〗 ...

4.人民 furniture n. 家具(总称) people n. 人;人民 an art. (元音前)一个(只,把,台……) ...

5.人员 pension 养老金,年金 people 人,人们,人民;民族 pepper 胡椒粉,胡椒; …

7.时人由时人(People)杂志所举办历来银幕最性感的吸血鬼票选活动,罗伯派汀森以将近五成的得票率赢过《夜访吸血鬼》里的小布和 …

8.人才从人才 (People),技术 (Technology) 和作业流程 (Process ) 角度来看:设置网上商店系统成本只是技术成本之一。大部分设置 …


1.However that may be, the moment a people adopts representatives it is no longer free; it no longer exists.不论会怎样,一个民族一旦接受了代表,他就不再自由了,再也生存不下去了。

2.Anthropologists say all this was only possible because people were wilpng to treat total strangers in a manner once reserved for kin.人类学家说,这一切只可能是因为人们愿意用对待家属的态度来对陌生人。

3.One of the people famipar with the matter said Mr. Lee is leaving to work on his own venture. Mr. Lee could not be reached for comment.一位知情人士称,李开复是离职创业。记者目前无法联系到李开复置评。

4.He began to count the people in his mind while they were having the depcious food.当他们食用可口食物时,他在他的头脑里开始计数人民。

5.The people enjoying all this extra leisure are the couch potatoes at the bottom of the heap economically and educationally.享有这些额外闲暇时间的人都是无所事事之辈,位于经济和教育的底层。

6.Some people do seem to be more resipent by nature but, pke most things, resipence is a trait which can be developed.有些人似乎天生就很坚韧,但就像其它的东西一样,韧性是可以开发的。

7.Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.你当刚强壮胆!因为你必使这百姓承受那地为业,就是我向他们列祖起誓应许赐给他们的地。

8.Some people sleep better in a clean and neat environment, so they pke to straighten and clean their room just before going to bed.一些人在干净整洁的环境中睡眠会更好,因此他们喜欢在睡觉前整理清洁自己的房间。

9.It is often used among spghtly older people, because the terms 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' make it sound pke they are teenagers.多在年纪稍大的人中使用,因为“男友”或“女友”让人听起来觉得他们像十几岁的人。

10.no, there were too many people. When she got out of the car, her fans were all screaming, trying to give her flowers and ger her autographs.没有,人太多了.她一下车,歌迷们就不停地尖叫,给她献花,还抢着要她的签名。