




1.乒乓外交 平面设计师 graphic designer 乒乓外交 ping-pong diplomacy 评头论足 nit-pick ...

2.乒乓外交史 · 乒乓球职业球迷须知 Pingpong Game · 乒乓外交史 Ping-pong Diplomacy 远台 back co…

3.乒乓球外交 批准 ratification 乒乓球外交 ping-pong diplomacy 平等条约 treaty of equapty ...


1.This was a year after the National Committee helped create Ping-Pong diplomacy in the spring of 1971.那是在全国委员会于1971年春季帮助发起乒乓外交之后的一年。

2.Beijing's ping-pong diplomacy began in 1971 and opened the door for people-to-people exchanges between China and the US.乒乓球外交开始于1971年,开启了中美人民之间互相交流的大门。

3.Ping pong diplomacy played an important role in the history of U. S. -China relations.乒乓外交在美中关系史中发挥了重要作用。

4.It is too early to draw parallels with the ping-pong diplomacy that heralded the Sino-American thaw in the 1970s.要是把它跟上世纪70年代预示中美关系解冻的乒乓外交划等号,那还为时过早。

5.Us-china diplomatic relations were "ping-pong diplomacy" open the door.中美外交关系也被“乒乓外交”敲开了大门。

6.Message for the 40th Anniversary Celebration of Ping Pong Diplomacy by the Secretary of State, Hillary Cpnton美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在庆祝乒乓外交40周年之际的致词(英汉版)

7.Message for the 40th Anniversary Celebration of Ping Pong Diplomacy国务卿在庆祝乒乓外交40周年之际的致词

8.From ping-pong diplomacy to basket-brawl: What the Chinese- Georgetown fight reveals从乒乓外交到篮球争斗:中国和乔治城的斗殴显示了什么