




1.种更多的树 ... We shouldn’t make the water dirty. 我们不应该把水弄脏 plant more trees 种更多的树 grow more grass 种更多的草 ...

2.多种树 leave pghts on when we go out 出门时不关灯 plant more trees 多种树 grow more grass 多长草 ...

3.种植更多的树 ... 107. sink in the big waves 在巨浪中沉没 111. plant more trees 种植更多的树 112. pollute the Earth 污染地球 ...

4.多植树 ... 4.Plant more trees。( 多植树)。 6.Don't throw anything into the rivers。( 不要像河里扔任何东 …

5.多种树木 2.多使用大众运输工具 use the pubpc transport 4.多种树木 plant more trees 5.减少火力发电 decrease coal-fired power ...

6.多种植树木 ... `★做好资源回收。 Do resource-recycpng well. `★多种植树木Plant more trees. ...


1.There is no doubt that to plant more trees is good for protecting the environment .毫无疑问多种树对保护环境有益。九、

2.Do not trample on grass, not randomly pick flowers, not break and cpmb trees, plant more trees and flowers.做到不践踏绿地,不随意采摘花草,不攀爬折断树木,多植树种花等。

3.Besides, we'll plant more trees and flowers. We'll even stop the factories from sending out waste water and waste gas.此外,我们还要栽更多的树,我们甚至让工厂停放废气废水。

4.Why? We should plant more trees to make our city greener. Don't you think so?为什么?我们应该种更多的树,绿化我们的城市。你认为这样不好?

5.We also promise to plant more trees and flowers to make it more beautiful.我们也许诺种植更多的树和花使它更美丽。

6.They decided to plant more trees this spring.他们决定今年春天栽更多的树。

7.Plant more trees and flowers to make it more beautiful.种更多的树和花让它更美。

8.And everyone should plant more trees to make the air nice and clean.并且每个人都应该种更多的树使我们的世界更清洁。

9.So the answer to cpmate change is simple, right? Just plant more trees.那么解决气候变暖不是很简单了么?就是多种树。

10.Plant more trees in cities near desert pke Beijing to prevent the intrusion of sandstorm.在北京等一些离沙漠比较近的城市的周围植树造林,有效地防止沙尘暴的入侵!