




1.花花公子杂志 天堂岛 Paradise Island 花花公子美女杂志 Playboy Magazine 2000s-C 公主蓬特2 PrincessPunt2 ...

3.花花公子成人杂志 ... Playboy Magazine 巴西花花公子杂志的… Seitenbacher Musp Cereal 谷物食品… ...


1.An Indonesian court has ruled that the editor of the Indonesian version of Playboy magazine did not violate the country's indecency laws.一傢印度尼西亚法庭裁决,印尼版的美国《花花公子》杂志的主编没有违反印尼的涉及有害风化的法律。

2.I didn't get caught that round, so I decided to take it up a notch and make my OWN Playboy magazine.那次我并未被逮到,因此我决定顺行其道,创作属于我自己的《花花公子》杂志。

3.She was also dubbed "TV's hottest babe" by American Playboy magazine.她还被美国《花花公子》杂志评为“最热门的电视宝贝”。

4.During the summer, Playboy magazine was looking for a new cover girl.《花花公子》在招募新的夏日封面女郎。

5.The legendary parties staged by Sports Illustrated Magazine and Playboy Magazine were canceled this year. . .由《体育画报》和《花花公子》杂志举办的传统聚会今年也取消了…

6.With $600, Hefner in 1953 pubpshed the first Playboy magazine with a partially nude photo of Marilyn Monroe at its center.1953年,海夫纳投资600美元创刊《花花公子》杂志,第一期杂志中夹入了玛丽莲・梦露的半裸照插页。

7.December 1953: Marilyn Monroe appears on the cover and as the centerfold of the first issue of Playboy magazine.1953年12月:玛丽莲·梦露成为《花花公子》首期杂志的封面女郎和插页画女郎。

8.Evita: Is Hefner the founder of Playboy Magazine?海夫纳是那个花花公子杂志的创办人吗?

9.Hefner, who founded Playboy magazine in 1953, has been married twice before.休是1953年创办的《花花公子》。他之前曾经结过两次婚。

10.Playboy magazine had decpned to buy the 'Guts' story, some staffers saying it was too extreme.《花花公子》(Playboy)曾经拒绝刊登《肠子》,有些编辑嫌它过于极端。