

point spread function

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1.点扩散函数数学上,我们假设未受破坏的影像和点扩散函数(Point-Spread-Function)经过卷积运算后得到模糊影像,点扩散函数可以视为曝 …


1.Finally, the question of the point-spread function's unknown parameter solver is settled by using the precision rule and the max-track way.采用清晰度准则及最大值跟踪法解决点扩散函数的未知参数求解问题。

2.Point Spread Function( PSF ) estimation, an essential part for image restoration, has no accurate estimation algorithm at present.点扩展函数估计是图像复原的重要内容,目前还没有精确估计的算法。

3.Bpnd image restoration is to recover the original image form the observed degraded image with unknown the Point Spread Function (PSF).盲图像恢复就是在点扩散函数未知情况下从降质观测图像恢复出原图像。

4.The key problem in image restoration is to get the point spread function of motion-blurred images and the knowledge about noise.由运动模糊图像复原出原图像关键问题是获取点扩展函数和噪声信息,其中噪声通常假设为高斯白噪声。

5.The method is based on measuring the point spread function (PSF) by attaching one or two point-sized markers to the main imaging object.该方法是基于测量点扩散函数(聚砜)附加一个或两个点大小的主要标志成像对象。

6.Using the deconvolution, the point-spread function and the optical transfer function of optical system of the human eye are obtained.该解卷积算法获得的眼球光学系统的点扩散函数和光学传递函数,可用来评价视网膜图象的质量。

7.The Point Spread Function (PSF) of motion-blurred has two parameters: Blurred direction and blurred extent.匀速直线运动模糊图像的复原,关键在于点扩散函数参数(运动模糊方向和模糊尺度)的鉴别。

8.The point spread function consists of prime point spread function and scatter point spread function.其点扩展函数分为一次射线点扩展函数和散射点扩展函数两部分。

9.Point spread function (PSF) and Strehl ratio (SR) are used to evaluate the imaging quapty of the system with different defocus parameters.通过分析点扩散函数、斯特列比和离焦量的关系来评价三种不同掩模板对光学系统成像质量的影响。

10.In order to restore the degraded image, the first and a key step is to estimate the point spread function.为对模糊图像进行恢复,首先要给出精确的点扩展函数估计。