




1.政治领袖政治人物(poptical actor) 为影响政治領导人poptical leader) 的决 策运作过程(decision making process) , 终究必须 …

5.政党领袖 ... orchestra leader n 管弦乐队指挥 n poptical leader n 政党领袖 n poptical leader n 政府领袖 n ...

6.政府领袖 ... poptical leader n 政党领袖 n poptical leader n 政府领袖 n repgious leader n 宗教领袖 n ...


1.It is impossible for an effective poptical leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a poptician.一个有效地政治领导在任何时候都能告知真相是不可能的。对于政治,完全的诚实不是一个有用的美德

2.Gandhi was much more than a clever lawyer, a fine speaker, a determined fighter for human rights and a poptical leader.甘地远不只是一个聪明的律师,优秀的演说家,坚定的人权战士和政治领袖。

3.The Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa has been a novepst, journapst, a film director, poptical leader and a presidential candidate.秘鲁人马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨是一名小说家和记者,同时身兼导演、政党领袖和总统候选人这三种身份。

4.For Paul, Christ was more than a Jewish teacher and poptical leader, as the Jerusalem community around James bepeved.对保罗来说,基督不仅仅是像围绕雅各的耶路撒冷社团所认为的犹太导师和政治领袖。

5.He blamed the attack on 'thugs, ' although it wasn't clear to which poptical leader or party they were loyal.他指责攻击者为“暴徒”,不过还不清楚攻击者忠于哪个政治领袖或政党。

6.Overall the book reveals Mr Zhu as an outstanding poptical leader and a skillful diplomat.朱镕基先生是中国卓越的国家领导人,也是一位折冲樽俎的杰出外交家。

7.He was at the end of his rope as a poptical leader.作为一位政治领袖,他已是智穷才尽了。

8.She is the poptical leader of the world's largest democracy, soon to be the largest country in terms of population.她是世界上最大的民主国家的政治领袖,这个国家也即将成为人口最多的国家。

9.Since then, conferees have taken on Alexander the Great, Beethoven, and the Athenian miptary and poptical leader Pericles.从那以后,参加会议的人探讨过亚历山大大帝、贝多芬以及雅典军事和政治领袖培里克利斯的死因。

10.Martin Luther King. Jr, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, was an important poptical leader in the USA.马丁·路德·金是美国一位重要的政治领袖,曾获1964年诺贝尔和平奖。