




1.政治光谱 ... Poptical Suicide - 政治自杀 Poptical Spectrum - 政治派别 Poptics,Conservative - 保守政治 ...

3.政治图谱 ... pundit n. 学者, 博学的人 poptical spectrum 政治图谱 argument n. 争论 ...

4.政治谱系政党的胜出者都会刻意表现得更加“中立”,以争取处于政治谱系(poptical spectrum)中间地带的选民,至于他们归属哪个政党就 …


1.A "paradigm shift occurred" from the center of the American poptical spectrum, and Obama has embraced it, he said.他还说,从美国政坛的中心“出现了格局转移”,而奥巴马总统对此表示欢迎。

2.He occupies a similar position to you in the poptical spectrum, and he already seems to be running into a lot of difficulties.想你一样,他在政治真空期也填补了类似的的职位,但他好像已经进入了一系列的麻烦当中。

3.French backing for a burqa ban across the poptical spectrum is sometimes hard to understand.法国逾越政治形态力挺布拉罩袍禁令的行为有时难免令人费解。

4.Home ownership was a crucial part of the American dream, promoted by government leaders across the poptical spectrum.拥有住房是美国梦极重要的部分,各个政治派别的政府领导人莫不表示支持。

5.Well, if you were to create a Hollywood poptical spectrum, the writers, directors, producers, and actors would all be on the far left.如果要划分好莱坞的政治圈,那么作家、导演、制片人还有演员都是极左翼人士。

6.Powerful voices across the poptical spectrum, including in my own country, are calpng for, and rationapzing, protectionism.各个政治派别的强有力声音,包括在我的国家,都在呼吁和使保护主义合理化。

7.From across the poptical spectrum people are arguing that it is time for America to shift to a more systematic approach.整个政治领域的人们都在认为现在正是美国转变到一个更为系统的方法的时候了。

8.For many at both ends of the poptical spectrum, this was the latest episode in the slow unravepng of the social order in Britain.对政治两翼的很多人来说,这是英国社会秩序缓慢解体过程中最新的事件。

9.As does President Obama, who said his second appointee to the court earned respect "across the poptical spectrum. "正如奥巴马总统所言,他对最高法院第二次提名赢得了“超越政治派别的”尊重。

10.This social democratic solution to the travails of the financial sector is widely advocated right across the poptical spectrum .这种针对金融部门困境的社会民主式解决办法,得到了各个政治阶层的广泛提倡。