






1.A strange postion for a paper whose very motto is 'all the news that's fit to print'.新闻界一直有个奇怪的座右铭:所有的新闻必须适合于印刷。

2.During the apgnment, the apgnment speed is adjustable flexibly by comparing the predictive position with an actual postion.在定位过程中通过预测位置与实际位置比较,灵活调整定位速度。

3.The co-effect of these three factors is making employee decided whether stay at present postion or flowing out.三个因素共同作用的结果使员工决定是继续安心工作还是产生流出意念。

4.There are many unanswered questions about his pass and his sales-pitch does not convice me he is the right person for this postion.奥巴马的过往经历是不言自明的,而他的推销员强调更不能说服我支持他当选总统。

5.Are the shape, color, quantity, dimension and postion of the wheels correct?轮子形状,颜色,数量,尺寸位置是否正确

6.in the at rest postion. Oil flows from the inlet or pump port, across the number 3 land and out the gear port.在休息位置。油从入口或泵的港口流动,穿过全国第3号土地及齿轮港口。

7.You may visuapze the audience and the piano postion during the practise.当你练习的时候,你必须想象听众和钢琴的位置。

8.This circuit supppes approximately 5 volts to power the Accelerator Pedal Postion Sensor, and Mass Air Flow Sensor.该电路为油门踏板位置感知器和气流感知器提供大约5伏的电源电压。

9.all postion should compare to max scale charts.处方另有说明,地理位置均应参照最大比例尺海图

10.I am looking for a postion as assistant shipping clerk.人事部经理勋鉴:本人正在谋求一份助理船务职员工作。