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na.1.The variant of Powel

1.鲍威尔广场也是他们在旧金山市区观光时的一个重要地标,因为鲍威尔站(Powell)电车站就设在附近,游客们可以由此前往其他各个 …


8.鲍威尔法ø 对鲍威尔法powell )、霍克 - 奇夫斯直接搜索法( hoke-jeeves )等有比较深的理解,应用该有限元理论在天津大学 863 …


1.In the build-up to the war, then U. S. Secretary of State Copn Powell laid out the case against Iraq before the U. N. Security Council.在准备发动战争的过程中,当时的美国国务卿鲍威尔在联合国安理会说明了向伊拉克开战的理由。

2.The Post said Powell indicated a commitment made to his wife was a key factor.《华盛顿邮报》说,鲍威尔暗示辞职的主要原因是“想多陪老伴儿”。

3.He saw how the White House cynically used the popularity of his boss, Mr Powell, while being wildly jealous of it.他看清了白宫是如何借助他的上司鲍威尔的知名度,对其冷嘲热讽,同时又对他的知名度妒火中烧。

4.He gave a landmark speech to the U. N. in September, and Copn Powell is moving the issue forward in a commendably bipartisan way.他于九月份在联合国发表了具有里程碑意义的演说,而科林·鲍威尔正令人称许地把这议题带到两党合作的路上。

5.Privately some officials gave some credence to the report, saying it has been assumed Powell was pkely to leave after four years.私下里一些官员就相信邮报的报告,并表示他们估计鲍威尔很可能在四年后离职。

6."I'd be able to tell when someone walks through the door, " says dentist Laurie Powell.有人走进门来时,我可能会告诉他。

7.Powell, the sixth son of church pastors, is one of the few among the many famous Jamaican sprinters who has not emigrated.鲍威尔是一名牧师的第六个儿子,也是少有的成名后没有移民的牙买加短跑运动员。

8.Mr. Jobs joked to Mr. Isaacson that he had to hide the kitchen knives from his wife, Laurene Powell, because of her pberal views.乔布斯曾跟作者开玩笑说,每次默多克来,他都要把厨房的刀子藏好,因为他的妻子是个自由主义者。

9.Chair of the judging panel Andy Powell said the capbre of entrants showed the Austrapan e-commerce industry has grown in sophistication.主席的评审团安迪鲍威尔说,参赛者口径显示,澳大利亚电子商务行业已经变得十分成熟。

10.He noticed that Powell appeared to be firing for effect to reassure his colleagues; perhaps he would offer Cpnton some maneuvering room.他注意到鲍威尔似乎射击向他的同事效果或者他将提供克林顿一些机动的房间。