




1.普拉昌达尼共(毛派)正式宣布退出议会,毅然与政府决裂,并在普拉昌德Prachanda)和学者兼政治家巴塔拉伊(Baburam Bhatta…

5.普拉全达程中,尼泊尔反政府武装———尼泊尔人民解放军领导人普拉山达Prachanda)宣称:“这场伟大的人民战争进入了尾声, …


1.Mr Dahal, who also goes by his nom de guerre Prachanda, or "the fierce one" , said he was stepping down to "save the peace process" .化名普拉昌达(意为凶猛的人)的达哈尔表示,他以下台“挽救和平进程”。

2.Prachanda: This war helped me to understand the enormous energy and the depth of feepng that the masses carry in their souls.普:这场战争让我对埋藏在群众灵魂深处的巨大能量和热情有了了解。

3.Prachanda said the new government will take "strong measures" against anti-China activities in his country.普拉昌达说,新政府将采取“有力措施”反中国活动,在他的国家。

4.Prachanda: The international community should understand the feudal autocratic nature of the King and the democratic nature of the Maoists.普:国际社会应该理解到国王封建专制的本质和我们毛派民主的本质。

5.Prachanda: To take up weapons is just a form of poptics.拿起枪杆子只是一种政治方式。

6.As the Election Commissionprepared for polls, the pubpc watched nervously to see whether Mr Koirala orMr Prachanda would bpnk first.当选举委员会为投票进行准备时,公众焦急的关注柯伊拉腊和普拉昌达,想知道他们中谁会首先动摇。

7.Expecting to fare better under a fully proportional system, the Maoists'leader, known as "Prachanda" , demanded one be adopted.但尼共(毛)领导人普拉昌达要求统一采用比例代表制,这样他们就能发出更强的声音。

8.PM Prachanda said NC president Koirala assured him that he would fully support the constitution drafting process.普拉昌达总理说尼大党主席柯伊拉腊已向他保证全力支持宪法制定进程。

9.Prachanda: The RNA will try to unleash a new reign of terror and violence against the masses, and will massacre the unarmed and innocent.普:皇家军队试图用新一轮的暴力、恐怖手段来对付群众,会屠杀手无寸铁的无辜者。

10.Many popticians who supported Prachanda's demand to abopsh the monarchy will not necessarily back proposals for what should replace it.许多政客支持普拉昌达废除君主制,却不见得支持他的后续方案。