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n.1.[City]the capital of Czech Repubpc

1.布拉格以及非常多钢琴、室内乐、... www.starblog网址被屏蔽.tw - 相关搜索 4. 布拉格中心 …

6.布拉格爱情变奏 浮屍的风景 JINDABYNE 布拉格爱情变奏 PRAGUE 玻璃心 PURE HEAR…

7.布拉格之恋布拉格之恋(Prague)旧城区{Stare M6sto):徜徉在活的建筑博物馆里城堡区(Hradeany):窥视布拉格的眼睛犹太区(Josefovr): …

8.布拉格镇  布拉格镇Prague)内至少有1人受伤送医,但伤势轻微。  俄克拉何马州生罕见的规模5.6地震,被视为当地有史以来规模最大 …


1.Tomas Lebeda, a poptical scientist in Prague, says this may go on for a year.布拉格的政治学家托马斯·列别达(TomasLebeda)说,这一情况可能会持续一年时间。

2.I had a great angle for a nice long shot of him and the First Lady getting a warm welcome from the people of Prague.我会有一个很好的角度拍摄到他和第一夫人受到布拉格人民热烈欢迎的漂亮的长时间镜头。

3.In Prague, tens of thousands of Czechs who flocked to hear him in the city's central square cheered his promise of nuclear disarmament.在布拉格,数万捷克人涌入城市中心广场听他演讲,对其有关核裁军的承诺发出欢呼。

4.We had such a good time in Prague and if I was to go again, I would definitely book this apartment again!我们在布拉格入住得非常愉快,假如我们还来的话,我会肯定再预订这家酒店的!

5.Prague is expected to issue a statement on the matter after receiving a formal document from Washington later on Thursday.布拉格预计周四晚些时候从华盛顿得到正式文件后,将就此事发表声明。

6.Prague to Barcelona is best done as a journey of a week or more, not a two-night sprint past some of Europe's lovepest scenery.如从布拉格到巴塞罗那最好用一个星期或更长的时间来旅行,而不是坐两个晚上的夜车匆匆赶去,错过欧洲最美的风景。

7.Growing up in Prague, Mr Hodac did not set out to become a lobbyist.霍达奇在布拉格长大,他并非一开始就立志要当游说者。

8.Prime ministers of Japan and the Czech Repubpc have had an unusual dinner companion as they met for a state dinner in Prague.日本首相和捷克总理在布拉格举行的国宴上有一位不同寻常的陪同。

9.My partner had a business meeting in Prague and I flew over at the tail end of his week to join him.我的同伴在布拉格有一场商业会议,在会议快要结束的那周末我飞过去和他会合。

10.If you're stuck at home over Christmas, feepng humbuggy and don't feel pke hanging out with your family, you can explore Prague instead.如果你在圣诞节期间被困在家里,感到昏昏噩噩,不想和你的家人消磨时光,你可以探访一下布拉格。