




1.赞美天主 不如归去 Better go home 赞美天主 Praise God 耶和华 是 勇士 Jehovah my Strength ...

2.赞美上帝 赞美上帝 Praise God ...

3.赞美神 神的保护 God's Protection 赞美神 Praise God 神圣的友谊 Divine Friendship ...

4.赞美真神 ... 赞美真神,万福源头 Praise God,from whom all blessings flow 40 分别归给万王之王 Set apart…for Himself 174 ...

5.赞美安拉 Amen.|阿门 Praise God.|赞美安拉 There's been some kind of mistake.|你们搞错了 ...

6.神的恩典 短宣营的体验 Experience In The Missionary Camp 神的恩典 Praise God 灵命的转捩点 Turning Point ...

7.十字绣挂画名称:十字绣挂画(Praise God)编号:EM07-001尺寸:约24cm(阔)x29cm(高)描述:类型:装饰摆设名称:磁石架(播种)编号:…


1.Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.你们要赞美耶和华,在神的圣所赞美他,在他显能力的穹苍赞美他。

2.However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.若为作基督徒受苦,却不要羞耻,倒要因这名归荣耀给上帝。

3.At that moment she came, and began to praise God and to speak about the child to all who are looking for redemption of Jerusalem.正当那时,她进前来称谢神,将孩子的事,对一切盼望耶路撒冷得救赎的人讲说

4.The point here is that as a Christian we are to be content and praise God at all times.这几节的重点在于,作为一个信徒我们应当学会无论在什么情况下都能知足且称颂神。

5.But we should praise God rather than coming before Him in counsel without wisdom as did Job's three friends.但是我们应当赞美神,而不是像约伯的三个朋友那样,毫无智慧地来到神面前。

6.Will you therefore ask the Giver of every perfect gift, the Source of every blessing! K Praise God from Whom all blessing flow?你会求拥有一切美事和完美的神送你礼物吗?他是一切祝福的源头,赞美赐福与我们的神,

7.Interrogator: you should praise God that parallel security ( intelpgent) agents do not interrogate you.审讯人员:还好今天不是由情治单位人员来审问妳,妳应该感谢老天。

8.Praise God, this morning after the Sunday service she told me the demon did not appear again last night!感谢主,今早主日散会时她告诉我说昨晚鬼没出现了!

9.And are gone to praise God and his Priest and king , Who make up a heaven of our misery.就跑去赞美了上帝、教士和国王,夸他们拿我们苦难造成了天堂。

10.How can an uneducated man praise God for the wonders of crystalpzation or capillary attraction or metamorphosis or quasars or stalactites?一个没有受过教育的人怎么能称赞如结晶体、毛细血管吸引、质变、钟乳石等上帝的奇迹呢?