

precious metal

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复数:precious metals  同义词




1.贵重金属a very valuable metal such as gold or silver



n.1.a valuable metal such as gold, silver, or platinum

1.稀贵金属 ... Teflon 铁氟龙 Precious-metal 稀贵金属 Special-material 特殊材料 ...


1.Such a set of pnks, often of precious metal and with pendants attached, worn as an ornament or symbol of office.项链这样的一串连结物,经常由贵重金属做成带有垂饰,作为装饰物或职业标记戴用

2.There was always a problem of making sure that the coin that you got had enough precious metal in it to give it a value.但如何确切知道货币中有足够的贵重金属含量以使它的价值则一直是个问题。

3."Gold" opened in November, and comes during a year in which commodity prices of the precious metal reached an all time high.黄金展开始于十一月,并且在这种贵金属的商品价格居高不下的情况下持续展出了整整一年。

4.The Grotto too was transformed and the venerated manger (surely hewn out of the grotto's rock) was replaced by one of precious metal.地窟也被改装(当然除了地窟的石头外),而马槽也被换成了一个贵重金属制成的。

5.The full precious metal seemed to flash, as if reflecting her bright spirit.这块极其珍贵的金属看上去闪闪发光,好像反映她愉快的精神。

6.The dull precious metal seemed to flash with a reflection of her bright and ardent spirit.那迟钝无知的贵重金属闪闪发光,仿佛在反映着她开朗与热忱的心情。

7.We have been able to absorb precious metal and gemstone cost increases while improving our gross and operating margins.我们能够消化贵金属和宝石的成本上涨,同时提高我们的毛利润率和营运利润率。

8.The value of that gold has risen quickly as investors buy the precious metal as a haven from the turmoil hitting financial markets.随着投资者越来越多地购买贵金属以规避最近金融市场的混乱局面,黄金价格一直在快速攀升。

9.He began pouring money into the precious metal on the first trading day after the downgrade, and his foresight has paid off.在降级之后的第一天,他开始投入大笔金钱买入贵金属,他的先见之明也得到回报。

10.Metal (including precious metal)or pigment, deposited on a supporting sheet of any material.金属(包括贵金属)或颜料沉积于任何材料衬片上的。