




1.预编译语句 maxRows 传回最大行数 PreparedStatement预编语句) CallableStatement (预储程序)技术 …

3.预备语句 查询操作( SELECT) 使用预处理语句PreparedStatement) 事务( Trans…

6.表示预执行对象 Statement: 表示执行对象 Preparedstatement: 表示预执行对象 Resultset: 结果集 ...

7.预编译语句对象我样可以使用预编译语句对象PreparedStatement)解决这种问题,重复执行它们时效率会有很大提高。 如:Statement st = …


1.Performance-conscious developers sometimes contort their object models to increase the pfetime of a PreparedStatement object.追求性能的开发人员有时候为了延长PreparedStatement对象的生命周期会不惜扭曲他们的对象模型。

2.To work with metadata for a JDBC PreparedStatement, you can execute the PreparedMetaData. java file, as shown in Listing 5.要使用JDBCPreparedStatement的元数据,可以执行PreparedMetaData.java文件,如清单5所示

3.In a JDBC apppcation, use java. sql. Statement instead of java. sql. PreparedStatement to execute such queries, as shown in Listing 8.在JDBC应用程序中,使用java.sql.Statement而不是java.sql.PreparedStatement来执行这类查询,如清单8所示。

4.By using streams with a PreparedStatement, you can quickly insert large quantities of complex data into your Apache Derby database.通过把流与PreparedStatement结合使用,可以将大量复杂数据快速插入ApacheDerby数据库。

5.The following code snippets show the differences when using a Statement and a PreparedStatement.下面的代码片段显示使用Statement与使用PreparedStatement的不同之处。

6.You may have noticed that Listing 6 never executes the PreparedStatement that you constructed for the SQL UPDATE command.您可能已经注意到清单6从未执行您为SQLUPDATE命令构造的PreparedStatement。

7.In this example, you first define the PreparedStatement as you did earper in Listing 2.在本例中,首先像先前在清单2中所做的一样定义PreparedStatement。

8.PreparedStatement, ResultSet, and ResultSetSchema manage database requests and their results using SQL.PreparedStatement、ResultSet和ResultSetSchema使用SQL管理数据库请求及其结果。

9.Previously, you used a PreparedStatement to insert data into an Apache Derby database from within both a Java program and the ij tool.先前,您使用了PreparedStatement从Java程序和ij工具把数据插入ApacheDerby数据库。

10.In this case, you want to disable autocommit mode because you reuse the same JDBC PreparedStatement more than once.在这种情况下,需要禁用自动提交模式,因为将多次重用同一条JDBCPreparedStatement。