




1.菲奥娜公主现在扮演菲奥娜公主Princess Fiona)的阿曼达·侯顿(Amanda Holden)今年10月初开始休产假,这个角色将由英国女子组 …

2.菲欧娜公主和史瑞克,菲欧娜公主Princess Fiona)的合影。摸了一下史瑞克的脸,居然做的还真跟我想象的史瑞克的脸一样,粗糙但是 …

3.费欧娜公主费欧娜公主Princess Fiona)《闪电狗》:Bolt 佩妮(Panny) 小狗波特(Bot) 小猫咪咪(Mimi)仓鼠阿诺(Anor)评论|R…

4.费欧娜兯主– 随费欧娜兯主(Princess Fiona)、以及深受大家喜爱的史瑞克与驴子,共赴一场蜜月之旅,共同延续奥斯卡金像奖得奖影片“史 …

5.菲奥纳公主怪物史莱克,长得很丑,却力大无比,英勇救出了菲奥纳公主Princess Fiona);很幽默,一路上和他的宠物,那个傻乎乎、 …


1.Tracy, 33, made a lovely Princess Fiona by daubing herself in green body paint and fake ears.正如照片中显示,33岁的特蕾西在婚礼上模仿菲奥娜公主,将涂画成绿皮肤,并且安上了两只假耳朵。

2.Opening in the film Shrek and Princess Fiona fees honeymoon appear in the plot.在影片开场时史莱克与费欧娜公主度蜜月的情节中出现。

3.Long long ago, Shrek married with Princess Fiona who he rescued.很久很久以前……史莱克和他拯救的费奥娜公主结婚了。

4.Shrek 2 begins shortly after Shrek, the large ogre, and his beloved princess Fiona return from their honeymoon.《史瑞克2》一开始是大怪物史瑞克和他的挚爱费欧娜公主刚度蜜月回来。

5.Lord Farquaad, you've chosen Princess Fiona.弗瓜王,你挑选了菲奥纳公主

6.He will rescue Princess Fiona from a dangerous, fire-breathing dragon.他将从一只危险的喷火龙手里救出费欧娜公主。

7.At the same time, accompanied by their parents alone in the Kingdom of Princess Fiona has apparently met no small trouble.与此同时,只身在王国陪伴父母的菲奥娜公主却显然遇到了不小的麻烦。

8.The bride was dressed up pke Princess Fiona while the groom as Shrek.新娘打扮为菲奥娜公主,而新娘打分为史莱克。

9.The kids aren't really supposed to know that Princess Fiona is doing a move pke Neo in The Matrix.孩子们应该不太明白菲奥娜做了类似Neo在《黑客帝国》中的动作。

10.SiIence! I will make this Princess Fiona my queen,安静!我要让菲奥纳公主成为王后