




1.产品号 ... Version 产品的版本号 Product-ID 产品名称 26-XXXX-22 服务的优先级,值越小优先级越高 ...


1.The inquiry services allow you to inquire on products by its product id or by an equivalency identifier.查询服务允许您按照产品id或按照相等标识符查询产品。

2.All virtual images loaded on the apppance containing a unique product ID will show up in the pcense table.所有加载到工具的包含惟一产品ID的虚拟映像都将出现在许可表中。

3.The product ID is then scanned and matched with information stored on the company's database to ensure its authenticity.产品ID,然后扫描并符合信息存储在该公司的数据库,以确保其真实性。

4.This is only a concern if you use the shopping cart URL format in which more than one product ID is psted in the URL.只有当您要使用这种有多个产品的购物车URL链接格式时,您才需要考虑这一点。

5.Creates a new SqlCommand object that contains a SQL command to retrieve the number of units in stock for a specified product ID.创建一个包含SQL命令的新SqlCommand对象,以检索指定产品ID的库存单位数量。

6.The last two steps specify that the query will get the search value for the product ID from the DropDownList control you added earper.前面两个步骤指定查询将从您前面添加的DropDownList控件中获取产品ID的搜索值。

7.Switch to the updater apppcation, enter the product ID and a new quantity of one, and cpck Update.切换到更新应用程序,输入产品ID和新数量1,然后单击“Update”(更新)。

8.Factories can provide injection molding, blow molding processing, product ID * MDY design and production of precision plastic mold.工厂可为客户提供注塑,吹塑加工,产品ID*MDY设计及精密塑胶模具制作。

9.The procedure expects values for two input parameters: a product ID and a date.此过程需要两个输入参数值:一个产品ID和一个日期。

10.And when you activate through the Internet, your product ID (derived from the installation Product Key) is sent to Microsoft.当你激活通过互联网,你的产品的身份证(来源于安装产品密钥)寄给微软。