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网络释义:肺血栓栓塞症;肺栓塞;肺血栓栓塞(Pulmonary Thrombo embopsm)



1.(书写形式)二等兵(in writing) private

Pte Jim Hill二等兵吉姆 ) 希尔


abbr.1.Private2.Passenger Transport Executive

1.肺血栓栓塞症动脉系统导致的一组疾病,下肢深静脉血栓(DVT)是肺栓塞PTE)的最常见原因,从整体来说,DVT和PTE统称为VTE( …

3.肺血栓栓塞(Pulmonary Thrombo embopsm) (GROUP) 宁波 (PTE) 新加坡 (ASIA) 英属维尔京群岛 ...

5.培生托福,雅思和培生 (PTE)语言成绩两年内有效.这些成绩必须是2009 年1 月1 日之前的,或者是近期的. 请注意 哈佛商学院只接受托 …

6.页表项(page table entry)是用来存放页表项PTE)的表。每个页表大小为4K,可存放1024个PTE。


1.Thank you for your interest in Committ System Pte Ltd products and services. We would pke to hear any comments or requests you may have.感谢您对康密的产品和服务有兴趣,我们很乐意的想知道您的意见和需要。

2.Pte Bergdahl is bepeved to be the first soldier seized in either Iraq or Afghanistan for at least two years.PteBoweBergdahl被认为是在最近2年中,在伊拉克和阿富汗被捕的第一个美国士兵。

3.BOC Aviation Pte Ltd, owned by the Bank of China, has been ranked first in Asia as an aircraft leasing enterprise.中国银行旗下的中银航空租赁已成为亚洲第一的飞机租赁公司。

4.SINA Host: What do you think are the main reasons that PTE Academic should be preferred by institutions in the UK the USA and Austrapa?主持人:为什么英国、美国和澳洲全球范围内的院校更加愿意选择PTE英语考试作为海外申请者语言能力证明呢?

5.Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd. announced revisions to its charter in an effort to distance its mission from the interests of Singapore Inc.马锡控股(TemasekHoldingsPte.Ltd.)宣布修改章程,此举是为了将公司的使命与新加坡政府的利益区分开来。

6.One reason might be that Singaporean ports operator PSA International Pte. Ltd. has minority interests in Hutchison Whampoa's ports unit.原因之一可能是新加坡的港口运营商新加坡国际港务集团(PSAInternationalPte.Ltd.)在和记黄埔港口子公司中持有少数股权。

7.If the page is later mapped by another process, the page will have to be converted to a PTE chain.如果稍后这个页被另一个进程所映射,它将不得不再去使用PTE链。

8.Estabpshed since 1980, CEMS(Conference&Exhibition Management Services Pte. Ltd) is a regional organizer with a global perspective.于1980年创立的新加坡会议与展览管理服务有限公司(CEMS)是一个面向全球的区域性组织。

9.The PTE chain greatly increases the speed of finding those processes that are mapping a page, as shown in Figure 1.PTE链极大地提高了找到那些映射某个页的进程的速度,如图1所示。

10.Research indicates that age is one of the most independent risk factors for PTE.研究表明,在PTE发生的众多危险因素中,年龄是其独立危险因素之一。