




1.第三轮量化宽松除了第三轮量化宽松(QE3)之外,只要通胀得到控制,美联储计划维持近零利率不变,直至失业率由目前的7.6%降至6.5%。罗 …

2.第三轮量化宽松政策随着第三轮量化宽松政策QE3)的实施,受到当地市场参与者的欢迎,市场波动性增强,俄罗斯股票和衍生品交易所在9月14 …

3.推出第三轮量化宽松政策先推出第三轮量化宽松政策QE3),再抛出所谓的释放战略石油储备、确保高油价不会损害全球经济。美国政府真可谓既想 …

4.第三轮量化宽松措施将推第三轮量化宽松措施 (QE3) ,周五的十月非农业职位数据同样受关注。 55分钟前 来自iPhone客户端 @i美股:【中概公司市 …

5.推出第三轮量化宽松措施[提要] 自推出第三轮量化宽松措施QE3)以来,美联储决策层内部对于购债计划的分歧逐步显露。相比之下“鹰派”人物里士满 …

6.美国第三轮量化宽松政策  美国第三轮量化宽松政策(QE3)出台后,国际原油犹如“过山车”,连涨2日最高突破100美元/桶关口后,却又大跌4日,累计跌幅 …

7.第三轮量化宽松货币政策  自美国宣布第三轮量化宽松货币政策QE3)以来,出于稳定出口的目的,尽管央行在管制人民币对美元中间价上继续维持了 …


1.Fed officials have signaled that there would be a 'very high bar' for a third easing, despite the economy's current weakness.美联储官员曾经暗示,尽管当前经济疲弱,QE3实施的“门槛”将非常高。

2.'Unfortunately, we won't get it, ' as the risk of deflation is much less now than a year ago.不幸的是,我们不会有QE3的魔术之手,因为目前通货紧缩的风险比一年前小多了。

3.The advent of a so-called QE3 by the Fed could further fuel those expectations, leading more investors to put their money into yuan.美联储推出所谓QE3可能会进一步加剧这种预期,让更多投资者把资金换为人民币。

4.Another option is to embark on QE3 or to increase the average maturity of the Fed’ s current securities holdings.另一种选择是实施第三轮量化宽松政策或延长美联储当前持有证券的平均到期日。

5.QE3 might be the final dose of inflation that causes the U. S. economy to overdose into hyperinflation.但QE3可能是导致美国经济进入恶性通货膨胀的最后一剂毒药。

6.To QE3 or not to QE3, then, may not make all that much difference.这也就是说,有没有QE3,可能不会产生太大的不同。

7.The FOMC's choice of a twist rather than a third round of quantitative easing shows that it is not immune to such pressure.FOMC选择扭转操作而非第三轮量化宽松(QE3),说明它并不能对此类压力无动于衷。

8.If inflation expectations, and risky asset prices, keep spding, then some form of QE3 becomes possible.如果通胀预期和风险资产价格继续下行,才有可能实施某种形式的QE3。

9.Even if the inflation hawks at the Federal Reserve can be subdued, a third bout of quantitative easing will be even less effective than QE2.即使美联储(Fed)内的通胀鹰派人士能够被降伏,第三轮定量宽松(QE3)也只会比第二轮(QE2)更加低效。

10.But without QE3, a good deal of pquidity that has been flowing into web startups could dry up very quickly.不过一旦抛弃这一政策,之前流入互联网新创企业的充裕流动性就可能会迅速枯竭。