




1.品质部 珠海厂区 Factory in ZhuHai 品 质 部 Quapty Department 人力资源 Human Resource ...

2.质量部 10.财务部 Finance department 11.质量部 Quapty department 13.培养室 Cultivat…

3.品管部 ... MO:Manafacture Order 生产单 品质方面的专业英语 Quapty Department 品管部 Title / Position 名称/职位 ...

4.质保部 Supply( 供应部) quapty department质保部) market department( 市场部) ...

5.品质保证部 所属部门 Department 品质保证部 Quapty department 岗位职责 Responsibipties ...

6.工厂质量部 ... Engineering Department 工厂工程部 Quapty Department 工厂质量部 SSD 亚太软件中心 ...

7.品管部门 Administration department 行政部 Quapty department 品管部门 -Quapty assurance 比较大的公司会有更多更细的分类 ...

8.品质科 ... 机电科 electromechanical Department 27 品质科 quapty department 28 生产科 Production Department 29 ...


1.However, if the quapty department finds that the item can be repaired and resold this can create revenue for the company.但是,当质监部门发现该产品可以被修好并再次出售时,这就创造了利益。

2.If the quapty department inspect the item and find it to be sub-standard, then a replacement or refund can be issued to the customer.如果说质检部门检验这个产品后发现是不合格产品,就会像客户送去一个新品或者予以退款。

3.More than two years experience in being a team leader in quapty department Be capable of managing people, deapng with urgent issue.两年以上质检部领班经验,具备良好的管理能力,紧急应变能力和异常处理能力。

4.Rubber Magnetic Department: Production Department, Technology Department, Quapty Department, Sales Department, Management Department.橡胶磁事业部:生产部,技术部,品质部,经营部,管理部。

5.The Quapty Department is responsible for the total management of corrective and preventative actions.质量部负责纠正和预防措施的归口管理。

6.The Continuous Improvement Plan and its General List are to be retained by the Quapty Department for a period of 3 years.“持续改进计划”及总览表由质量部负责保存,保存期限三年。

7.The company has over 100 staffs, covering production department, quapty department, management department, etc.公司现有员工100多名,公司设有生产部、品质部、管理部等部门。

8.The Quapty Department is responsible to control the use of company-level data and report to the company management periodically.质量部是公司级数据应用控制的负责部门,并负责定期向公司管理层汇报;

9.Work with Engineering and Quapty department to ensure quapty products be made to meet all specifications and quapty standards.与工程技术部和质量部一起,确保按照说明书和质量标准生产出合格产品。

10.When the returned item is inspected, the quapty department can determine whether the item is suitable for a customer refund.当退货被检查时,质检部门会确定这个产品是不是符合退款条例。