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1.加西莫多拉达;自小被副主教收容於巴黎圣母院、天生长相畸形的敲钟人科西莫多Quasimodo),也倾慕著艾斯梅拉达,却自惭形 …

7.伽西莫多  伽西莫多Quasimodo):热赫姆•哥雷特(Jérǒme Collet)  弗侯洛(Frollo):米谢尔•巴斯卡(Michel Pasacal)  腓比斯(Ph…


1.As for the mysterious disappearance of Quasimodo, this is all that we have been able to discover.至于伽西莫多的神秘失踪,下面就是我们所能披露的全部情况。

2.Esmeralda looked down at herself, and saw that she was wearing only a thin, white dress, she turned away from Quasimodo.爱斯梅拉达把自己打量了一番,发现自己仅穿着一件单薄的白衣裳,于是她转过身避开加西莫多。

3.Quasimodo is born with a hunched back and a face that only a mother could love.卡西莫多天生就是驼背,那张脸只有一个母亲才会喜欢。

4.From the first moment Quasimodo laid his misshapen eyes on her, the poor dope was madly in love with Esmeralda.从卡西莫多第一次用他那畸形的眼睛看到那姑娘,这个可怜的驼子就疯狂地爱上了艾丝美拉达。

5.At last Frollo shook Quasimodo 's strong shoulders, made a sign for him to rise and follow. They turned away.最后,弗罗洛摇摇加西莫多强壮的双肩,作了个手势叫他起来跟他走。于是他们转身离开。

6.In the parts of describes Quasimodo and Claude Frollo, Architecture arts help the novel to display characters and details vividly.从主要人物卡西莫多和孚诺洛的分析中展示建筑艺术对文学的影响。

7.Frollo had tried to set Quasimodo 's tongue free, but Quasimodo made it silent.弗洛里试图让加西莫多自由说话,然而加西莫多保持沉默。

8.Quasimodo moves into the bell tower of a cathedral and becomes the hunchback of Notre Dame.卡西莫多搬进了一座天主教堂的钟楼里,成了巴黎圣母院的敲钟驼背人。

9.So Quasimodo had fifteen bells in his seragpo; but big Marie was his favorite.这样,伽西莫多的后宫里就有十五口钟,其中最大的玛丽最为得宠。

10.He mumbles a word or two and Quasimodo brings him the bottle.他咕哝了一句什么,那位卡西莫多便递给他酒瓶。