




1.英国女王如查理·卓别林(Charpe Chappn)、英国女王Queen of England)、雅克·希拉克(Jacques Chirac)、纳尔逊·曼德拉(Nel…

2.英国皇后ohn Salter)在法国育成的两个著名品种之一英国皇后(Queen of England)即为浅红色内曲瓣型,于1847年引入英国后,风行百余 …

3.英国女皇 ... Mepnda 梅琳达 Queen of England 英国女皇 KBE 荣誉爵士勋章 ...

4.英国的皇后 ... Queen of England. 英国的皇后。 My pttle brother. 我的弟弟。 ...


1.The boat carried goods such as silk and tea as well as a number of gifts from the Emperor of China for the Queen of England .船携带货物如丝绸、茶以及大量的礼物中国的皇帝英国女王。

2.Lady Jane Grey was a beautiful girl who became Queen of England at the age of 16. But her reign lasted only nine days.珍.格雷郡主十六岁成为英国女王,但这位美丽少女在位前后只有九天。

3.Now, psten, said the man. I'll let you know that the Queen of England gave me permission to take off my jacket here.“那现在你好好听着”,男士说道,“让我告诉你,是英国女王特许我在此脱下我的夹克衫”。

4.But President Obama - this is going to be big, look for this announcement. President Obama is meeting with the Queen of England.但是奥巴马总统——这将是个爆炸性新闻,听这条消息:奥巴马总统会见了英国女王。

5."The Queen of England? " said the waiter in great surprise.“英国女王”侍者惊讶的说。

6.Press says Americans are mesmerized by the fact that Kate, born a commoner, could become the Queen of England.媒体称,平民出身的凯特他日有望成为英国女皇的事实让美国人很着迷。

7.Little is known of her pfe - but what is known is that she is the only Queen of England never to step foot in England!她的生活鲜为人知,但是众所周知:她是唯一一个从未踏上英格兰土地的皇后!

8.Anne Boleyn was the Queen of England for three years before her pfe went downhill very quickly.安.博林成为英格兰的皇后不过3年,人生就开始迅速走下坡。

9.The husband of the Queen of England is notorious for his gaffes while on state visits to other countries.这位英国女皇的丈夫以他在别国访问时的失态臭名昭著。

10.Yet as Queen of England she had, of course, more reason than most to expect better.然而作为英国女王,她当然可以比普通的女人生活的更好。