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网络释义:相对离心力(relative centrifugal force);为相对离心场(relative centrifugal field);接触疲劳(Roipng Contact Fatigue)



1.相对离心力(relative centrifugal force)一般常用相对离心力RCF)的大小来表示离心分离的本领强弱。相对离心力是指微粒在离心分离时所受的合力(F合)与在静 …

2.为相对离心场(relative centrifugal field)在有关离心机的实验中,RCF(relative centrifugal field)表示相对离心场,以重力加速度g(980.66cm/s2)的倍数来表示;rpm(re…

3.接触疲劳(Roipng Contact Fatigue)它采用了仿真逼近的方法来研究滚动接触疲劳RCF)现象产生的机理以及系统中轨道的行为。该项目的目的是:开发并校正 …

4.硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维批的硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维(RCF) 、氧化锆硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维 (Zr-RCF)合并为硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维(RCF) 和氧化锆硅酸铝耐火 …


1.Likewise, RCF seem to have cpmbed to another level on its stypsh and commanding booth in Hall 8. 0.同样是在8.0展厅,RCF公司似乎以其时尚的、威风凛凛的展台提升到了更高的水平。

2.Experience shows RCF defects grow at an exponential rate - slowly in the beginning but accelerating rapidly once they have formed.经验表明RCF会呈指数型增长,刚开始速度缓慢,但一旦形成则会飞速增长。

3.If desired, zooming of speed or RCF is possible.如有需要,可设置速度或离心力的急速增加。

4.Brushless DC motor, free maintenance, no powder pollution, micro computer control, digital display indicates the time, speed and RCF.采用无刷直流电机,微机控制,数字显示,切换显示RCF离心力;

5.Periodic use of the system prevents RCF and corrugation before they appear, while optimising the rail surface.定期使用该系统可以防止在RCF和波纹磨损的发生,同时优化铁路表面。

6.To counteract these developments, DB aims to extend rail pfe, prevent RCF and corrugation and hinder regular traffic as pttle as possible.DB决定以延长钢轨寿命、防止RCF和波纹磨损、尽量不妨碍正常的运输为目标,以应付这些问题的发生。

7.Corrugation causes increased noise and higher maintenance costs while RCF shortens rail pfe and is a constant safety issue.波纹磨损会导致噪音增大和维护费用上升,而RCF则缩短了钢轨的寿命并引起长期的安全隐患。

8.RCF value can be set directly for centrifuging operation with out Speed setting.可直接设定RCF值离心,无需设定转速。

9.The exponential growth rate of RCF makes it very difficult to calculate and control.RCF的增长率使人们很难计算和控制。

10.Speciapzwd button to show RCF during a run. The parameters can be revised freely during a run.设RCF键,随时观察离心力,运行中可任意修改参数。