


英文单词:报表定义语言(Report Definition Language);报表定义档案;公费医疗名单(Reimbursement drug list)


1.报表定义语言(Report Definition Language)tial Drugs (EDL) :基本药物目录 Reimbursement Drug ListRDL) :医保目录) typing error:打印错误 slip of the pen…


1.Use the dialog box to browse for a Report Definition Language (RDL) file that you want to upload to your report server, and then click Open.使用该对话框找到要上载到报表服务器的报表定义语言(RDL)文件,再单击“打开”。

2.Writing out to a file that is saved on disk allows you to import the RDL into a report project in VS. NET and make modifications.写出到保存在磁盘上的文件,这使您可以在VS.NET中将RDL导入到报告项目中并进行修改。

3.If you wish to include elements that are not part of the RDL schema, you can place them within the Custom element.如果要包括的元素不是RDL架构的一部分,则可以将它们放在Custom元素中。

4.Editing RDL directly can result in a report that cannot be published to the report server or cannot run.直接编辑RDL可能导致报表无法发布到报表服务器,或者无法运行。

5.An RDL file begins with a series of import statements, used to declare the EMF packages that will be involved in the transformation.RDL文件以一系列导入陈述开始,它们被用来声明转换中涉及的EMF包。

6.RDL describes all possible elements of a report using an XML grammar that is validated by an XML schema.RDL使用XML语法来描述报表的所有可能元素,而该语法由XML架构验证。

7.Don't worry if you're not familiar with the syntax of RDL yet, we will explain it in detail in the next step of the example.如果你对RDL的语法还不熟悉的话不要担心,在例子的下一步中我们将会加以详细解释。

8.The class diagrams presented throughout this example are another possible representation of the concepts beyond the syntax of RDL.这个例子中贯穿的类图是RDL语法之外的概念的又一种可能表示。

9.Open it with the MTF mapping rule editor (. rdl is the default extension bound to the editor).使用MTF映射规则编辑器打开该文件(.rdl是编辑器默认的文件扩展名)。

10.The names of the weights displayed in Report Designer differ from the names for the same weights in the Report Definition Language (RDL).报表设计器中显示的字体粗细名称与报表定义语言(RDL)中相同字体粗细的名称有所不同。