




1.反应变量 顺序变量 ordinal variable 反应变量 response variable 被试变量 subject variable ...

2.反应变数 Inferential Statistics 推论统计 Response variable 变异数的回应 Factor 因子 ...


1.Quantile regression is a basic tool for estimating conditional quantiles of a response variable Y given a vector of regressors X.分位数回归是给定回归变量X,估计响应变量Y条件分位数的一个基本方法。

2.Regarding the classical models of regression analysis, people generally assume that its response variable is the continual variable.对于经典回归分析模型来说,人们一般都是假定其响应变量为连续型变量。

3.In the paper, we study the model that can be transformed to a pnear model by converting response variable.本文研究了对响应变量作变换后成线性回归的模型,分别讨论了变换是参数和非参数的两种情形。

4.You end up with the XML response, all strung together, in the response variable.最终,您将得到把所有一切串联在一起的XML响应,位于response变量之中。

5.Light response variable ink pght response variable ink in the room is not pght when observed the effect is not visible almost transparent.光反应变色油墨光反应变色油墨在室内无光观察时产生的效果几乎是不可见的透明的。

6.effects on the response variable [24].在响应变量的影响[24]。

7.Capabipty of detection - Methodology for determination of the critical value for the response variable when no capbration data are used检测能力.在无校准数据可采用情况下测定反应变量关键值的方法

8.Estimation of pnear models with error in response variable误差在反映变量线性模型的估计

9.Submilpsecond Response Variable Optical Attenuator Based on Sheared Polymer Network Liquid Crystal基于切变聚合物网络液晶的亚毫秒级可调光学衰减器

10.Define the response variable and initiapze it定义并实例化响应变量