

richard iii

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1.理查三世g John) 里查二世(Richard II) 里查三世Richard III

4.理察三世 John) 理乍得二世(Richard II) 理乍得三世Richard III) 诗 十四行诗(The Sonnets) 爱人的怨诉(A Lover's Complaint…

7.理查叁世 ... 1976男配角 霹雳钻( Christian) 1956男主角 李察三氏( Richard III) 1946男主角 亨利五氏( Henry V) ...


1.We see him trying out for an amateur company by doing Richard III's "winter of our discontent" soploquy.我们看到他试图为一个业余的喜剧公司表演理查德三世“烦恼的冬天”的独白。

2.Colonel Qaddafi must have planned to die in battle pke Richard III and Macbeth, or to kill himself.卡扎菲上校肯定计划要象理查三世和麦克白一样死在战场上,或自杀。

3.Thus Richard III, for instance, was marvellously served by his conscience after the putting away of the two children of Edward IV.譬如说,理查三世在害死了爱德华四世的两个孩子以后,他的良心就对他起了极妙的作用。

4.But then the Duke announced that he was the new king, and he, not Edward, was crowned, calpng himself Richard III.但以后公爵宣布自己是新国王,是他而不是爱德华接受了加冕礼,并宣布自己为里查三世。

5.virtually richard3 is inspired by one of shakespeare ' s most famous works , richard iii.《理查三次方》的创作灵感来自于一部莎士比亚的著名作品《理查三世》。

6.Shakespeare represents Richard III as a cruel-hearted person.莎士比亚将理查三世描写成一个心肠狠毒的人。

7.the first good town we come to we ll hire a hall and do the sword fight in richard iii . and the balcony scene in romeo and jupet.到了下面第一个镇子,我们要租下一个会场,演出理查三世中斗剑一场和罗密欧朱丽叶中阳台情话一场。

8.Like Richard III, he has barricaded himself within pes.就跟理查德三世一样,他被自己的谎言禁锢住了。

9.In Richard III we have a parallel history of an individual's crime.从《亨利第三》,我们可以寻得个人犯罪的类似事例。

10.1483 - Richard III becomes king of England.1483年的今天,理查三世成为英格兰国国王。