




1.人民币账户 认捐金额 Donation amount: 人民币账户 RMB Account 美元账户 US Dollar ...

2.人民币帐号人民币帐号(RMB Account):2037 0273 7935 美 金 帐号(USD Account):0000 0197 7027 37935 港 币 帐号(HKD Account):0…


1.No other account except the special RMB account may be opened in the bank of the trustee by a QFII for carrying out its investment business.除人民币特殊账户外,QFII不得为开展QFII投资业务在其托管人处开立其他账户。

2.Article 20 The company has a foreign exchange account and a RMB account in Qingdao Branch, Construction Bank.第二十条、目前,公司在建设银行青岛开发区支行开设外汇存款帐户及人民币存款帐户。

3.We approve Stanford University to open a foreign exchange account and a special RMB account at your Branch.核准斯坦福大学分别在你行开立一个外汇账户和一个人民币特殊账户。

4.Article 15 With the approval of the SAFE, a QFII shall open only one special RMB account at the place of business of its custodian.第十五条经国家外汇局批准,合格投资者应当而且只能在托管人处开立一个人民币特殊账户。

5.Would you please tell us your RMB account number so that we may change this amount of US dollars into RMB for you?请提供一下您的人民币账号,以便我们能把这笔美元兑换成人民币

6.The corresponding transfer account must be RMB account.对转帐号只能是人民币

7.The expense account must be RMB account.费用帐号只能是人民币

8.The payer account must be RMB account.付款帐号只能是人民币

9.II. A trustee may not open a sub-account of the special RMB account for a QFII;托管人不得为QFII开立人民币特殊账户的子账户;

10.Completed signature card (financial chop or official chop is required for RMB account) (original)填写完整的印鉴卡(人民币户需同时留财务章或公章)(原件)。