


美式发音: [rɑm] 英式发音: [rɒm]

abbr.(=read-only memory)【计】只读存储器

n.只读存储器(全写为 read-only memory)

网络释义:只读存储器(Read Only Memory);记忆体;唯读记忆体




1.只读存储器(全写为 read-only memory)the abbreviation for‘read-only memory’ (computer memory that contains instructions or data that cannot be changed or removed)


abbr.1.【计】(=read-only memory)只读存储器

n.1.read-only memory: computer memory that is permanent and cannot be changed. Computer memory where you can save and change information is called RAM.

abbr.1.[Computer](=read-only memory)

1.只读存储器(Read Only Memory) RGN-- 仰光 ROM-- 罗马 RUH-- 利雅得 ...


7.关节活动度(range of motion)关节活动度rom)测定被动踝背屈角度[3],于治疗前及治疗后分别评定一次。1。


1.Rom. 7: 20 But if what I do not will, this I do, it is no longer I that work it out but sin that dwells in me.罗七20若我去作所不愿意的,就不是我行出来的,乃是住在我里面的罪行出来的。

2.A DVD drive can access multimedia data from CD-ROMs as well. A DVD also allows you to watch feature-length movies on your computer.一个DVD驱动器可以访问CD-ROM中的多媒体信息,也能让你在计算机上观赏高质量的电影。

3.Rom. 11: 8 As it is written, 'God gave them a spirit of deep sleep, eyes to see not and ears to hear not, until this very day. '罗十一8如经上所记:『神给他们昏睡的灵,看不见的眼,听不见的耳,直到今日。』

4."Christ did not indulge his own feepngs . . . as scripture says: The insults of those who insult you fall on me" (Rom. 15: 3 NJB).“基督徒不放纵自己的感情….正如圣经所说:那些来自侮辱你的人的而言都将由我承受”(罗马书15:3)。

5.If an official CD-ROM is in the drive at this point, then that CD-ROM should automatically be configured as an apt source without prompting.如果此时驱动器内放有官方发布的CD-ROM,那么CD-ROM将会被自动配置为apt源,而不会有提示。

6.We finally decided to get rid of the references to electricity and the final design represented the concept of development by a CD-ROM.我们最终决定放弃电流,最终用一个CD-ROM代表了开发的概念。

7.'My friends think I'm mad for doing this, but they all have dates for tomorrow. I don't want to be sat at home with a curry and a rom com.我的朋友们大概会认为我十分的疯狂,他们都有约了,我可不想自个儿在家可怜兮兮的。

8.Well that rom-com was much better than I expected. It was really romantic. Thank you.这部电影比想象的要好看。确实很罗曼蒂克。谢谢你。

9.If all of the tests are passed, ROM should be trying to determine from which drive to start the machine.如果所有的测试都的通过,ROM就要设法确定要从哪个驱动器来启动机器。

10.These characteristics make it easy to download Derby apppcations together with their database or run them from a CD-ROM.这些特点使得您可以很容易地将Cloudscape应用程序及其数据库一起下载,或从CD-ROM运行它们。