


美式发音: 英式发音: 

英文单词:复发性口腔溃疡(recurrent oral ulcer);罗马尼亚(Roumania);复发性口疮


abbr.1.Republic of Uruguay

1.复发性口腔溃疡(recurrent oral ulcer) REU 留尼旺 ROU 罗马尼亚 RUS 俄罗斯联邦 ...

3.复发性口疮 ... zuoyoufengyuan网址被屏蔽 左右逢源 肉啊( rou a) 杂地( za di) ...

6.电阻系数 ksi 克西 rou电阻系数(小写) tau 套 时间常数 ...


1.'Rou won't believe what I'm going to tell you, " she said as she threw ashes over his excrement in order to pick it up with the shovel. "“你别相信我刚才告诉你的话吧,”说着,她拿灰撒在他的粪便上,然后用铲子把它铲了起来。

2.Turn left out of a human tricycle Square, the main body of the glass sub-aluminum body close to the three red characters: Rou Gamo.一辆人力三轮车左拐冲出广场,车身铝合金主体的玻璃罩子贴着三个红色的大字:肉夹馍。

3.There was a aluminum body as the main body of the glass sub, above the red as close to the three characters: Rou Gamo.车身同样放着一个铝合金主体的玻璃罩子,上面同样贴着三个红色的大字:肉夹馍。

4.When Xing-Rou found out the problem of her relationship with her children, she started her re-authoring process.幸柔从发现亲子关系有问题,开始重写的历程。

5.The wind gently, the grass Rou Rou's, all woven into a soft dream.风轻轻的,草柔柔的,这一切编织成了一个柔软的梦。

6.Well, how about this place. . . it's probably the best rou jia mo I've ever eaten before!嗯,这个地方怎么样,这可能是我吃过的最好吃的肉夹馍了!

7.If you dream about a man with a wounded shoulder, it must be Rou Na.如果你做梦是关于一个人有一只受伤的肩膀,那他肯定是柔衲。

8."Rou-teeeen. . . you know. . . morning and night, " the teacher said in broken English.老师用零碎的英语说道:“常规……你知道的……早晨和晚上”。

9.Rou Shi's fiction reflects male discourse when he narrates the women, but he ignored women's subject.柔石的小说在叙述女性时透出男性话语,忽视了女性的主体性。

10.Then Tomorrow Bookstore asked Rou Shi to edit a periodical, which he consented.明日书店要出一种期刊,请柔石去做编辑,他答应了;