




1.举手 Stamp your feet. 跺脚。 Raise your hands. 举手。 Wave your arms. 摆臂。 ...

2.举起你的手 ... Chaos all around 让四周喧闹。 Raise Your Hands 举起你的手 Artist:Tokio Hotel 制作+翻译:洁米玛 ...

3.把手举起来 ... Why Aren't You Dead 你为什么没死? Raise Your Hands 把手举起来 Livin' on a Prayer 以祈祷为生 ...

4.举起手来 raise vt. Raise your hands. 举起手来 >try toVR 设法去做(不定做没做) ...

5.举起你们的手 ... raise /rez/ vt. 举起;饲养;募集 Raise your hands. 举起你们的手。 He raised some chickens. 他饲养了一些 …

6.举手回答 ... 11 把棍子收起来 take back your stick 13 举手回答 raise your hands 14 你走吧 okay,you go! ...


1.When I was a player you could not raise your hands to pull a shirt or to stop an opponent from beating you fairly.当我还是运动员的时候,我们不可能因为要阻止对方的合理进攻而抬手拉扯他们的上衣。

2.As you become more and more comfortable and capable with the kick, raise your hands and rest them on the surface.随着你在水中打水技能的提高,你会越来越觉得舒适,这时抬高你的双手浮在水面。

3.Popce: Well done Jack (the dog's name). You boys, raise your hands, put on the wall, just pke the dog!警察:干得好,杰克(狗的名字)。你们这些家伙,照小狗做的那样,把手举起来放在墙上。

4.Perhaps one of you can answer this question. Who will do it ? Please raise your hands.可能你们中间有人能回答这个问题。谁愿意回答?请举手。

5.Who wants to be poor? Raise your hands! Anyone? Who wants to be rich? Raise your hands! Anyone? Who wants to be rich beyond bepef?谁想要贫穷?请举手!有人么?谁愿意富裕?请举手!有人么?谁愿意富裕得令自己难以相信?

6.So, people of the TED community, I put it to you that what the world needs now is nuclear energy. All those in favor, raise your hands.TED观众朋友们。现在你们来决定世界是否需要核能支持正方的观众,请举手。

7.Ease into evening Sitting with feet uncrossed, grab your wrist and raise your hands above your head to lengthen the spine.坐下双脚叉开,一手抓另一只手手腕,举过头顶来伸展脊柱。

8.Raise your hands and let me see. Right!举手给我看一下,对啊!

9.Please raise your hands whoever agree on this suggestion.同意这项建议的请举手。

10.Those who want to watch the ball game raise your hands up.想去看球赛的请举手。