




1.真正的力量 ... Keep on braving〖 永远坚强〗 Real Force…〖 真正的力量…〗 Shooting our destiny〖 请与我击落我们 …

2.科学超电磁炮 ... 1.Girls,Be Ambiti【 空之音】 3.real force超科学电磁炮】 7.All in good time【 灼眼的夏娜S】 ...

4.真正的影响力表面的影响力(apparent force),而非真正的影响力real force),宗教成了美利坚人“首要的政治制度”。


1.We have no doubt that with its coach and captain replaced, our football team will turn corner and be a real force in the coming tournament.我们毫不怀疑,更换了教练和队长后,我们这支球队一定能改观,成为锦标赛中的一支劲旅。

2.This shows both that the regulations are a real force to be reckoned with, and that progress through international consensus is feasible.这表明条约是一股可依赖的真正力量,通过达成国际共识取得进展切实可行。

3.The power is given names, e. g. divine intervention, imagination, grace, God, but what ever it is called it is a real force.这种力量有各种称呼,例如,神圣的干预、想象力、善、上帝,但无论叫什么,它是一种真正的力量。

4.And, perhaps Travelocity sees Latin America as a region where it can be a real force.然而,也许Travelocity把拉丁美洲视为一个可大力发展的地区。

5.There's not enough choice to change consumer behavior, to become a real force in the entertainment economy.由于缺少选择,他们无法影响消费者的行为,也无法成为娱乐经济中一股举足轻重的力量。

6.This kind of language is rarely used by Beijing so it carries real force.北京极少使用这类语言,所以这并非虚言恐吓。

7.However, there is the pkephood of unforeseen obstacles and real force majeure.然而,可能会有未遇见到的障碍和现实的巨大阻力。

8.Thought is the strongest thing we have. Work done by true and profound thought---that is a real force.思想是我们拥有的最强有力的东西。正确而又深刻的思想所发挥的作用,是一种真正的力量。

9.Pubpc opinion is a very real force in China, when it can be roused.在中国,公众舆论是一种非常强大的力量。

10.The real force behind European integration is easy travel, especially when it's cheap.欧洲一体化真正的力量是可以随意去旅行,特别是当旅行非常便宜的时候。